What To Do?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, May 28, 2008.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Ok Ya'll
    I Need to make sure that I am doing everything I should for my pup.

    I am having my dog, Zeke neutered tommorow.
    I know I should have posted this in the CatDog section but I figured that I would get more views here.

    I have a nice comfy bed for him, He will be inside our house I am guessingfor about a week, till he feels better, he has the whole Kitchen to wander in, nothing he can get hurt on.
    I feel kinda bad for him, I just have not had the ability to do this until now.

    Props big time to Dr Regina Sanders, from Purr and Bark.
    She is coming to get him at 7 in the morning and bringing him back to me at 5.

    He is looking at me with these eyes, I know he doesn't know, but I know.
    He is going to hate me tommorow.
    Hopefully the pain meds work well.
    Is there anything else that I need to be doing for him especially when he gets home?
    Thanks guys.
    (sorry for the rambling)
  2. Aj

    Aj Guest

    Lol! I think it's harder on us than it actually is on them. We had our dog done in March. I thought he would be groggy and lay around all day-at least the first day when he came home. Wrong! I had to calm him down and make sure I took him out on a leash (instead of running around our back yard) to keep him from jumping around. It will be alright. :)
  3. fsb3

    fsb3 Well-Known Member

    I wish the puppy good luck. I picked my little baby up from the humane society in the foot hills. Drove all the way home and the next day he licked all the stitches out. It was a 650$ procedure to get him refixed. I would ask the doc if they are going to put the stitches inside or out. And I would invest in a cone for a couple of days. It killed me to bring my little man to the vet again just after getting him home. Good luck to the both of you.
  4. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    You're not rambling... tell Dr. Regina that Ms. Kitty in Clayton says hello!

    Good luck with puppy! He'll do just fine, and they do rebound alot faster than expected usually. :)
  5. Rcskip

    Rcskip Well-Known Member

    Bunk mates

    I got to give Zeke pets when Dr Regina picked my new puppy baby up for her spay about 30 mins ago. He was doing great, was even riding in the top bunk so he could look out the windows. I think he'll need the nap Dr Regina is going to provide after my barker serenades him on the ride to Fuquay.--Rachael
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    How sweet is that!! :mrgreen:

    I can't say enough how much I love Dr. Regina.. she is so wonderful!!
  7. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    My boy was wide open and absolutely nuts when I brought him home from 'the snip'. They said to keep him quiet, and I had a hard time doing that! He wanted to run and jump and play ... he wasnt groggy or in any pain, at all.
  8. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    He won't hate you at all, he will just be glad to see you! After all, it is the vet doing all the bad things to him. And I was sort of hoping for a nice little rest after my babies got fixed-no way, they were as wild as ever and didn't seem to feel a thing.
  9. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Dr.Regina is awesome!
    Zeke just got home and he is walking around the house whining a little, but he seems fine.
    even hopped up the steps by himself befor I could pick him up.

    I am glad you got to see my baby Zeke!
    He is such a sweet baby.
    You would never know that anything was done to him, except for a little whining.
    I think he needs to go to the bathroom, but he won't go on the leash, and I can't let him roam in the backyard.
    Too much dirt from where they dig for moles....Grrrrrrr.
    Plus the big two dogs wont leave him alone.
    He is just going to have to go on the paper, he hates that.
    I will surely be calling on her for all my future needs.
  10. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    :shock::shock: I hope that is a typo. If not, you need to find a new vet!
  11. fsb3

    fsb3 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately not, I took him to the petsmart emergency. I wont go there again.

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