Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. ok it's still me I forgot my stupid password today..... it's the regular peppercorns but without the pic...woof - does that help?

    Anyhow - I sent Daniels mom here to 4042.com because I thought this might help. I know you all can understand how terrible this is for her. No matter what has been said by either party she still need to know that he is safe and sound.

    There were mistakes made that can not be undone but the issue is living life to it's fullest surrounded by those who love you. THis mom loves her son and she need our help as a community. Talk to your high schoolers tonight and find out if they know anything or anyone he is staying with. THe word in the area is that he is staying around town with friends and is afraid to go home.

    We need to get the word out that it is ok for him to go home. That he can make decisions for himself as long as he thinks them through.
    If he does not want to come home - someone have him at least call his mother.
    he has no idea of the hell he is putting her through due to this. She, and no other mother in the world deserves this and he needs to step up and do the right thing - with his mom and everything.

    If anyone has any idea you can email me at Peppercorns@4042.com if you don't want to contact her directly. I will pass it along. She really need to here from him.

    :grouphug: we got ya back littlered
  2. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the status of this missing young man. Saw the flyer posted on the Atm at the Wachovia at 42. My son went thru this stage but the length he was gone was no way near this long. My heart breaks for both the Mother and the son. I pray that she hears some good news soon. Parenting isn't an easy job. We all make mistakes and the teenagers make mistakes too.... hopefully, love will see them thru this and our prayers. I hope people don't judge this situation, it could be you tomorrrow or in a few years. You never know where the next day will carry you......Please pray for this family.........
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    My heart completely goes out to this Mom as i am the Mom to 3 boys and yes they may have made mistakes along the way but he needs to know that no matter what mistakes he makes, the totally unconditional love of a mother never waivers. If he is reading this, please let your Mom know you are ok and give her the chance to accept whatever is going on and let you know you are always her baby - while she may not like what is going on in your life right now, she is still your Mom and her love and support is something you can depend on the rest of your life.

    On a second note, Webbie you totally rock for making this thread a stickie:hurray:
  4. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    amen mom to 3, Son, no matter what, your Mom will always love you. I have told my son I may not like you or what you are doing right now, but I will always love you. When all the friends you have go on ther merry way or turn on you, family is what you have in the end.... and you will never have a bond with anyone like you do your Mom. If you are reading this, please call her or have a friend call her just to give her piece of mind. I'm sure both of you are hurting...... but I have so been there..... you can even pm me and I will have my son talk to you who is 30 and now the father of 3 sons.... we have so been in your shoes and looking back, we hate we hurt each other with the things we may have said or done. Please reach out to someone, you have some many people willing to help you and you mother find a way to make ammends. It may seem like the hardest thing in the world to do, but it is really easy and free. Just reach out, we are all here for you.
  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Exactly!!!!! Kimmie, you and i are gonna have to meet soon, sounds like we have so very much in common. Boys will be boys, but they will be the closest thing to your heart for the rest of your life.
  6. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    agree, we have alot in common, sure wished we knew where he the was, this can so be fixed.......the sooner the better.
  7. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I spoke with Dan's Mom today. I have PM'd little red, his aunt, but no response from her yet. It may be that Mom relayed my info to 'Red". Without going into the details, I told her that I would be happy to serve as a communication bridge to start the process.

    Regardless, please ask your kids who attend WJ, to ask around and pass the WORD to Daniel that I remember him from being his sub teacher and that I want to speak with him. He can call me at 919-359-0268 at home and lv a mssg if I'm not in. I'm asking you to ask your kids to ask Daniel to do this.

    I am hoping that I might at least serve as a conduit for the family, and at least get the communication thing going.

    As a father of a son whose middle name is Daniel, I feel closer to this than I had imagined I would.

    C'mon, Dan, time to "MAN UP" and begin to get it together. We've all been in the place where we've made a decision that hits us with some blindsided reality. Dealing with it says more about you than how it began.

    I'm here for you, Dan. Call...

    Mr. J
  8. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Message for Daniel from Mom

    This is Tracy, Daniel's mom. Before I get to the message, I just want everyone here to know how much I appreciate all the help and prayers. The last few weeks have been truely amazing. Although I've been unbelieveably worried, even frantic at times about Daniel, the support and well wishes I've received from complete strangers have really been a blessing and have reminded me how many wonderful people there are in the world. Thank you again for your help.

    I've forwarded the message below to another mother in the community who has offered to send it out via a community email mailing list she has access to. I've posted some of this info in another thread, but thought it would be a good idea to post it here as well. Thanks, Peppercorns, for pointing me to the 4042 site. You're right. 4042ers rock!!


    My name is Tracy Johnson. My son, Daniel is a student at WJHS and has been missing for 3 weeks. If you have a teen at home that might be willing to pass along information that may find it's way to Daniel, please ask them to spread the word that he doesn't need to be scared to come home. We just miss him terribly. No consequences, no repercussions, no questions, just come home. Our home is not the same without him. We have a very big, very close-knit family and everyone is worried and misses him. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, we're all planning one heck of a Welcome Home party for you when you come home, Daniel! We just can't wait to put our arms around you again and remind you how much we all love you. Nothing in the world that has happened or ever could happen will ever change how much you are loved!

    We've put together a reward for information that leads to Daniel's where-abouts. If you have a teen who knows something... anything that may lead to Daniel... the reward is $500 cash. Please get the word out. Kids talk. Someone has to know where he is.

    Please also know that there are a few people out there who may be helping to hide Daniel. I've gotten reports recently of someone taking his picture down out of store windows and telling people that he's been found. This is NOT true. I have not seen or heard from my son in 3 weeks. I promise that when he's found, I'll post it myself on the 4042 website (my screen name there is TJ1947) and will go around and take the posters down personally.

    Thanks to everyone for helping and keeping an eye out for Daniel. It's so nice to know that as big and impersonal as the world has gotten, there are still communities like ours where neighbors help neighbors... even neighbors we haven't officially met.

    Thank you again,
    Tracy Johnson
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Front Page of 4042 would be a good place as well. I know webbie put my cat there years ago. :)
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yes, I believe in some areas it is referred to as "harboring a runaway", not sure how it is handled in NC when you have more adult priveliges @ 16 years old. Me, you hide my kid... I'm coming after you. Who hasn't gotten upset with their parents as a teenager? I would be questioning THEIR parenting abilities if they got involved in that capacity and kept my child from me without alerting authorities, myself, or even social services. Probably the same kind of folks who check for beach towels on front porch railings.
  11. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Ditto, ditto and :iagree:
  12. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Good Morning all – I am so happy to see that my 4042 family is willing to help.

    Last night I sat down with my kids and spoke to them of the importance of finding Daniel. At the awards ceremony most of his friends were talking about everything again.

    The odd part in this is that there are actually people working AGAINST mom. I knew those folks were trouble and have said it on the board – (but it was deleted). It is an extremely odd situation but we are not dealing with “normal” folks here. Daniel has been greatly influences by, hmmm, how can I say this….ok,…I’ll go with a Star Wars reference…, “the Dark Side.” He need to know that no one in the entire world will ever love him as much as is Mom Girls come and go, friends come and go but a Mom’s love remains forever. No matter how much a kid screws up, a mom will always love you. Even if we don’t show it at the time, we are always on your side. And Mrs. Johnson truly loves her son.

    We need to keep those flyers up and the community aware. This way no matter where he goes someone may recognize him.

    Put sheriff’s number or the detective in your cell phone and call right away if you spot him.
  13. Jocomom

    Jocomom Well-Known Member

    I have been spreading the word, and photos via email. Daniel is in our prayers and thoughts. If I can be of any assistance what-so-ever, please just let me know. In the meantime, I am praying and keeping my eyes wide open.
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

  15. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I have heard similar stuff,but I figured it couldn't be true. I am disappointed if there are people helping him, and not encouraging him to talk to his mom. As a mother, I can only imagine how awful this situation must be. I will keep my eyes and ears open for anything regarding this boy. We are continuing to pray for him and his family.
  16. littlered74

    littlered74 Member

    you guys rock!

    I thank you so very much for all of your assistance in helping my sister find her son. If I say so myself, the entire family has been affected SEVERELY. Both Daniel's mother and father, his brothers...all are suffering pretty badly. Aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents...I am his aunt and I know what it's like for me to worry about him. But when I think about it, I can only IMAGINE what his immediate family is going through. His mother wonders things like, "Where is Daniel sleeping tonight?" That just breaks my heart!!! If she asked you, believe me you would cry, too!
    They are used to being with him day in and day out. We're talking about 3 boys that are closer than any siblings I have ever met at their age! They don't want to even go away for the summer somewhere if all 3 can't go! And to see a father ball his eyes out about not knowing where his son is can really make someone like me VERY ANGRY! If these "folks" that Daniel has gotten caught up with, are really proven to have helped him, I know we are all ready to be right there for Tracy to press ANY AND ALL charges that can possibly be pressed!
    Again, we highly appreciate all that you folks out there are doing and I know that if Tracy could personally thank each and every one of you, she would. I read a great idea out there...please, if you have a cell phone, put Tracy's # or the Sheriff's # in your phone so that upon seeing Daniel (Lord willing), you can call without having to search for a number.
    Thank you to those who are posting the pictures, sending the info out to friends, pressing the importance of finding our loved one, and for those who are praying every night for Daniel and the family. We are all church-going people in the family, and I know the POWER that prayer has...especially in mass prayer! THANK YOU!
  17. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    I'm a mail carrier and I've seen flyers everywhere when I delivers mail. I pray for his safety and his family. I still looks for him while I'm working. Thanks for your cell #. I'll use it just in case if I see him.
  18. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    On 4042.com we have reunited dog and cat with their owners. THis would even be cooler then that - to reunite Daniel and mom.

    If you were 16 and upset about stuff, where would you go and what would you do? HMMMMM - we could try that perspective....think like we were that age again. To me, whatever he is doing, the novelty has got to be wearing off.
  19. littlered74

    littlered74 Member

    Daniel's interests

    Daniel loves to play video games, shoot pool, and go to the movies. Pretty much sound like the rest of the teenagers in this world. If they have seen the right person, we have been told that he has been seen at the White Oak Cinema in Garner, the pool-hall called Shooter's at 42 HWY, and he used to go the the Rainbow Bowling Alley on 42. We have hung out at all of these places. But if any of you happen to be around these places, please keep a keen eye out for him there...especially since it's the weekend. Usually when he is seen at these places, it's during the weekend.
  20. arkpals2u

    arkpals2u Well-Known Member

    I can attest to the fact that there are people who can and have done exactly that. it doesn't matter how much Tracey loves her son, supports him, etc.etc.-somehow all that seems to matter is what these people think and say. My son's involvment with this family resulted in our facing a similar situation as Tracey. They not only knew where he was the first night he left but did not contact me with his whereabouts that night and then lied to me the next morning. My son told me where he was and who he was with. The only other difference was that we knew where our son was, he stayed in school and we were able to bring him home when we felt it was time. We had the support of Officer Strickland at West and cannot thank him enough! There is still a pull from these people with my son and I am still fighting to save him from their influence. Daniel's family needs all the support we can give them! now and when he comes home. Tracey knows I am there in any way she needs!

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