Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Bless your heart, as the Mom of 3 boys my heart goes completely out to both you. How on our God's Earth can people be so heartless and lacking in morals to allow this to happen? Where are our government, police protection and school authorities for true taxpayers and honest people that would not step in and stop this repeated manipulation of gullible young men?????
  2. mike79

    mike79 Active Member

    So what is this entity the keeps brainwashing our local teenage men? From what has been said (and not said) it sounds like our community is the home to some sort of brothel or cult. I'd like to help get rid of it; but need to know what is it I should be getting rid of?

    I did make a stop at Shooter's last night but didn't see anyone matching his description. For the record, if he has been in that place we should be able to trail him by following the cloud of stale cigarette smoke.

    I think the best idea I've heard so far is the reward. I know it's $500 now; who has any ideas as far as earning money to get it a little higher? A couple thousand dollars can seem like a lifetime of earnings to a teenage kid. Assuming he hasn't left the area there has got to be a bunch of his peers that know where he is, for the right price one of them will turn.
  3. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    I agree with raising the reward amount.:iagree:
  4. No it is not a brothel or cult just a family with the loosest morals imaginable....and the stupidest overall. just my opinion to which i am entitled.

    remember the soap box I was on a couple of weeks ago??? think people, think - Cleo think.... the whole thread got deleted because i offended some folks. i don't want to say too much and start more trouble. we have enough here right now.

    :arrow:The why's and wherefore's are not necessarily the important part - finding Daniel is.

    What I will say is, that if a teen gets in with the wrong crowd - parents included - then the teen can become impressionable - they act different and do defiant things that are out of their norm. This family of ______ has caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people. If it was the old west they would have long been run out of town.
  5. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    On a VERY long rail!!
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I'm your huckleberry. :lol:

    I know EXACTLY what youare referring to Peps. A mother's worst nightmare. Is it sad that part of my sex-ed talks with my son involved "anchor-babies"? Not to stay in this country babies, but just to keep a guy around babies?
  7. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member


    Have decided to run with a suggestion made in the Neighborhood thread and hold a candle light vigil next Sunday evening if Daniel hasn't been found by then.

    Not sure if there's anywhere up at 4042 that has a big enough parking lot if plenty of people show up... other than Lowes, but you can't see that from the road. What do you think of White Oak shopping center? Maybe near the movie theatre or Target? It's a central place to the 4042 area, Clayton and Garner. Doing it next Sunday evening will give me plenty of time to get the word out via 4042.com, area schools and local newspapers (Cleveland Post, Garner Citizen, etc), try and get the media involved, find a business owner or property manager who would be willing to host, and enough notice to even get it in area church bullitens.
  8. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I will help in any way that I can. I can let the people at church know. I will be speaking with my teens at church, and find out if they know anything.
  9. deliqueen

    deliqueen Guest

    i know from reading past threads that c3 is wellll let's say controversial subject to say the least but...they DO have a REALLY LARGE parkinglot?....:idea:
  10. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I was just talking to a friend of mine who has a son in ninth grade. She told me that she found a pregnancy test kit under the bed of her college son and asked all of the kids about it. The ninth grader owned up to it. Seems he was "dating" some girl and they had sex. Shortly thereafter he broke up with her because she was flirting with other boys. As he was breaking up with her she stated that she was pregnant by him. Only smart thing he did; he walked from the high school and bought a pregnancy test for her to take. Needless to say, she never used it as she was not pregnant. Sometimes people use odd reasons to hang onto another person.

  11. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    News Flash!!

    SURPRISE! SURPRISE! She's not pregnant. She told a friend that she'd 'lost' the baby. Go figure.
  12. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    I got a report today that Daniel was seen at the Adventure Landing on Capital Blvd. in Raleigh Thursday night. He was with two unknown boys. If he's staying somewhere in Raleigh or hanging out in Raleigh, that might explain why noone has seen him around here.

    I covered Milbrook, Enloe, and Sanderson High Schools with the reward posters this evening. Maybe a student will see him out this week. I'm hoping.
  13. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    How convenient :roll:

    But GREAT news none the less :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:

    Now, all we need to do is get him home!!!!
  14. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    yep - I heard the same bunk that all of a sudden no baby....
    i highly doubt it got "lost"

    as faRas the vigil - can we get a hold of Ashley Turner of who ever owns the building and use the covered area of that shopping center on 42 - where Formaggios deli is and where the Christmas tree goes - local, off the road, and visable. I know no one over there to find out.
  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i do, will pm ya.
  16. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Just a suggestion...

    Frankie's in Raleigh is the next best thing to Adventure landing. He might show up there sometime. Perhaps you could fax over the flyers to the management for them to hang up. Any 18+ clubs (dance clubs) might be a good idea as well. Broughton is another high school to flyer at.

    Good luck, I hope you find him soon!
  17. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Don't forget Raleigh charter high school, kids from all over go there and could be a good place to post flyer's. Dr Humble would be willing to help I am sure!
  18. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    ok, so we know the kid is safe and seems to be going out with friends to Adventure Landing and such....... wonder why he hasn't thought to call family.....guess he doesn't want to be found.
  19. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    don't get caught up in rumors. DAniel doesn't have any discerning characterics. On first glance there are a bunch of guys that could look like him.
    The problem is...think about it. Your a mom and you really have no definate idea where your 16 year old is. no calls and no contact - very unlike him. What would you think. And would you be frantic. Would you worry.
    You bet.
  20. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Also, not that it matters all that much, but part of the reasoning behind the "disappearance" could it be from over protective or smothering parents?

    Now before I get hit up side my virtual head with a frying pan... hear me out. please.

    I am a mother too and I love my kids very very dearly. If they ever went missing, God forbid, I hate to see what I would go through or how I would react. But after reading this thread and a few in-between the lines post I get the idea that this kid needs a real life wake up call. I'm getting the idea that he is only getting pushed further and further away by all the publicity of looking for him.

    Are you afraid he's in a gang? Are you afraid he's dealing drugs or running with druggies? Prostitution?

    If he's showing up at Adventures Landing it sounds like he's just wanting to race go-carts or play putt-putt. Which I see as pretty normal boy pastimes.

    I'm just trying to understand the vigil, TV, & local message board involvement. Why not police? Because if I was a 16 old boy sowing oats... I'd be ****ed beyond words with my parents for airing my dirty laundry.

    I pray that I never am in your shoes and I truly do hope you find the solace you need.

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