LOL!! That's what we've been doing, I know my neighbors must think I am stark raving mad!! I'm practically doing cart wheels when she goes outside. :jester: Seems to be working! Haven't had any accidents since Thurs. :hurray:
Or call her nevilock. After someone who isn't nevilock. =D great idea, or greatest idea ever? I know i know, you don't have to answer. no amount of greatness can quantify the idea's sheer... something or other, i forget... awww look at the puppy.
OK! She has been re-named "Molly" which suits her much better in my opinion, LOL. Got a good report from the vet, she weighs all of 4 whole pounds. I told ya she was little! :mrgreen:
I don't care what you call her, if she were mine I know by the end of the second week I would be calling out "Come here you little ****!" Does not subtract from her cuteness one bit!
Man, "t u r d" gets blocked but "crap" does not? "T u r d" is a cute word much like Fart is. Although when my nieces and nephews call me an old fart it isn't that funny! :x