:x:x I'm a winter person....BLAH! Thought for the day: Please enjoy and take advantage of the wonderful time that your young ones give you................. ................because sooner than you think HORMONES, ACNE and TEENAGEDOM is going to drive you up the damn wall!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:
:hurray:woo hoo - last day of school for my DD! Yea - the traffic was so lite this morning - 'doing the happy dance'! Plus, not having to drive to the HS 2x's a day will save me a little bit on gas! 8)
I'll be in the trunk! :lol: Actually next weekend we have 2 parties to go to THEN the next weeknd my MIL & FIL will be down here. (not staying with me - or I'd have to put up a tent in the back yard for 'em) I"m *hoping* to go fishing this weekend! Keep your fingers crossed, I still need to burn the back side of my body! :mrgreen: Later peoples! :cheers:
Where's nsane telling us the board needs an enema. It surely does right now, beginning to resemble an episode of Jerry Springer. :ack:
Hey Redsky, how are the babies doing, had my dgs with me yesterday and was going to come down to see it but your truck wasn't there till it was time to go to the game so was too late. Had a blast though, dgd got a homerun in her game and they won and then dgs got the winning RBI in his game:hurray::hurray::hurray:
Which babies? Would that be the kids, the hubby, the cats or the praying mantis'? LOLOL They are all doing great presuming the mantis' are still in the egg sack and not eating each other while I'm away :ack: I forgot DS#1 had soccer practice last night..... Come on by tonight...RTP is draining me today so tonight I am going NO WHERE!!!
Cool and i was talking about the praying mantins. i told my DH about the sack and he is fascinated too, never seen one and he is nature freak:lol: