Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    I think we are getting off subject here. Shouldn't we be concerned with bashing the girl(who will not be named because we all don't know who she is-sarcasm) and trying to find the innocent little boy who didn't know what his wee wee does.
  2. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    If you believe that soo much then send the cops out to everyone's home and job that are posting things on this site. Becuase if you believe that since we are defending beth we know where daniel is. I DONT KNOW WHERE HE IS!! But like i was saying if you believe WE know where he is then the rest of these people who have NOTHING to do with this must know something too right, so send the cops to everyone's home and job in Johnston County.
  3. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    maybe i'm wrong here, but i think we should ease up on kaos. he's the only one of the defenders who is out of high school, he's in college, he's rotc/military, he seems reasonably intelligent, not belligerent, and willing to have a conversation. maybe he's the bridge this situation needs....
  4. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    :: tastes sarcasm::

    Hmm this sarcasm has a hint of feces. Someone has been kissing ***!
  5. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    You are entitled to your own opinion...they are like ******** which you happen to be. But like I said you can think what you want.
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Oh look Mama is back:rolleyes:
  7. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I don't have to kiss anyones butt!
    You make no sense!
  8. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    I'm sure he goes and slits his wrists with very negative comment given on these forums. :?

    As far as intelligent people Johnston County, I've met few to none. This forum just reinforces it :D
  9. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    She loves me like a brother, if you guys were snooping her myspace correctly you would've seen that.
  10. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Lies. I'm sure Daniel's mom bends over for you every so often so you can get a good smooch in.
  11. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Kaos, this is SOOOO not true. I withdrew Daniel from school YESTERDAY. I kept him with me the week after I found out she was pregnant because I found out from Beth's mom, not Daniel, and when I went to pick him up from school to talk to him about it, Beth and her mother were there encouraging him not to come with me. I said exactly 9 words to them that day. When I told Daniel to get in the car, Beth asked if she could speak with Daniel privately before he left. I said "After I speak with my son, he'll call you." And I let Daniel call her that evening. This was April 22nd. The no-contact order was taken out on me on May 13th. The only times I spoke to Beth or her mother between those two dates were at Beth's mother's invitation. Once in front of PI sitting on the bench, we spoke for 45 minutes. Once I spent 20 minutes on the phone with Beth and we talked both about Daniel and I asked how she was doing with the pregnancy. And once on her front porch after going to PI to see her, she wasn't there, I called and she invited me over. If I were harrassing her, why would she answer my calls and invite me over? After those conversations, I was convinced that eventually, Daniel would make his way to Beth so I started watching the house. Several times sitting at the end of their street, Beth and her friends came over to the car and we talked. Nicely and calmly. Next thing I know I get a no-contact order.

    You're not getting the truth, Kaos.
  12. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    where do you get that he knows about lynn? he's reasonably intelligent, he can assume that if you use some reference like that, that it can't be good. he didn't comment on lynn in any way
  13. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Wish I could say the same for you :D Raising dogs doesn't make you a mom hun.
  14. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Then go away and try to find Daniel. I'm not in or from Johnston County, so put that in you juice box and suck it!
  15. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    That would be really funny if it didn't come from a hill billy :D
  16. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Ahh, someones angry now. I'll mail you some napkins to wipe away the fecal matter.
  17. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Not angry....just don't like STUPID people!!
    you stupid twit, I don't even know her! Get a life! If you are this girls daughter, I see where she gets her immaturity!
  18. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    Well hence the term from, im not from Texas...lived most of my life in Johnston county assclown...only been in Texas for two years and with your comments seeing that you have "no dog in this hunt" i think you are merely on here to be a prying *****.
  19. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    honestly, i didn't mean we should lighten up on him for HIS benefit. i'm sure he could give two ****s what anyone here thinks of him. that wasn't the point. the point was that he seems to be the only reasonable person posting defending the girl, and that he might (due to all the things i stated in my previous post) be adult enough to understand the weight of the situation and maybe just get a message across somehow for the kid to call home. i suggested we lighten up on him so as not to close that door
  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Just let it go Turtle, obviously this person is just trying to get everyone so mad and the tread will get pulled and the focus taken off of finding Daniel. i swear i think this is the mother of Beth and if it is, how can we blame the girl for how she turned out?

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