Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    ok ok ok ---drum roll please.....

    webster - you know better then this - no matter what she broke the cadet code by living immorally. you know it a cadet is supposed to be an example and the ROTC isn't supposed to be used as a score card.
    Pyro - you are one of two people...have you been there done that too? how many pairs of sneakers have you had bought?

    hmmm no one named names until you two got on here. WTG
    no one is really questioning anything about them other then the loose morality for an underage girl encouraged by her mom.
    As far as the job thing - there are many of us who will never set foot in there again where they work - I'm sure it will not break the business or them and it is a personal choice not a group effort to shut down anyones business. I am not saying that anyone should get canned or deserves too.

    Here's the thing guys and gals - she partied recently and joked and laughed at the anguish she caused another parent. The girl confronted someone else in the ladies room and tried to start cr-p. She thrives on it. She thrives on the attention and making others mad.
    The girl - wants her old boyfriend back. no two ways about it - and it ain't happening lately so she is just existing on the drama of Daniel but without seemingly caring - why would she take down the posters and tell everyone he is fine otherwise?

    If she is still knocked up - that's her problem. She can have a test done to determine the father. Since you all are such good friends then I am certain you know that Daniel being the father is not a definate.

    Don't come on here painting her as some sweet little thing we all know better. Truth be told I don't care how she or anyone else lives their life -all I want is this boy to make contact with his mother.
    You kids have no idea what it is like not knowing. the biggest stress you've got is if you can afford you next tank of gas.
    No matter WHAT daniels mother said, no matter how harsh or gentle - either way she does not deserve this and anyone with half a brain can nderstand that.

    He wants to be away from home - fine but just call her and tell her he is well and he is making a choice on his own to stay away. If he is such an adult - why not?
  2. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    When you spoke to her on the porch isnt that the day your husband went after beth's mom??
  3. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    No one said YOU did. And I don't have to call the police. They will get involved eventually, if thye haven't already, as the family will take whatever measures they need to, I'm sure. I know I would. The longer this goes on, the more things get worse for all involved directly or indirectly. I do not blame anyone, but someone knows something. And they they will get caught. It's only a matter of time. I watched a movie last night, "Capture ot the Green River Killer". It took many years but they got him. Which proves that sooner or later you run out of rope and....the party's over.
  4. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Don't be angry little one. You seem not to be able to take the 'high road' yourself.
  5. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Talking about non intelligent life in JOCO....this is mixed with a little bit ...ok, A LOT of trailer park trash. :ack:
  6. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Explain "seen you in action at the school"

    Yes, I sat outside her house. Not harrassing them. Not speaking to them. Just watching.

    If my oldest son followed her brother, he did that of his own accord, I never asked him to. I doubt he did though, because my oldest son likes Beth's brother.

    Explain how I almost got her fired from work? If she almost got fired, it was her own actions. I have never spoken with her manager, nor the PI owner. I've never been up there when there was any chaos going on. How, exactly, did I almost get her fired?
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    PEOPLE - please do not quote these crazies and do not banter with them, they would love the thread to get pulled, same thing as pulling down posters!!!!
  8. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I don't need to, I'm here to help find Daniel. I just hope I never find you! Consider yourself invisible!

    If you have anything else to say, direct it to the kids you've been hanging with!

    Going on lunch break now!
  9. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    Ok ken go eat your sandwich, I can't wait to see how much more your intelligence will falter within your next few posts, bring it lol
  10. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    I withdrew him from school yesterday so that his highschool transcript would not reflect a failure. I took him out of school the week after my father died, which happened to be the week after I found out about the baby. He spent most of that week with me in Fayetteville.

    I told Beth both over the phone and to her face that my heart's desire was to see my son happily married to the mother of his child, but that I needed time to discipline him for his behavior first. Neither she nor her mother would give me the space to do that the way I (AS HIS MOM) saw fit. They picked him up from school, they provided him with a cell phone. I kept him out of school that week, Kaos, in order to parent my child the way I saw fit.
  11. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Did we find Daniel yet?
  12. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

  13. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    Hmm ok

    But with all due respect, do you think that was the best way of doing it , by cutting off all communication.
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    uhoh, looks like Webbie may be checking in, hopefully he will just remove the junk and save the true meaning of this thread, finding a missing boy.
  15. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Pyro - as much as I'd like to, I don't have the power to send the cops to anyone's house. When I reported Daniel missing, they asked for a list of names of friends and the list of names and numbers from his cell phone. It's an investigation, hon. That's what police do. They go to the people they think have info, and ask questions. If they went back to someone more than once, it wasn't because I sent them, it was because they got the feeling that the person knew more than they were saying. I'm not even privy to the list of people the police have spoken to.
  16. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    Not necessarily failing at it, more like multitasking and apathy as far as punctuation. Sorry I did spell your name with a capital K Ken. There you go didn't mean to ruin your lunch with my blatant disrespect for stupidity.
  17. Pyro

    Pyro Guest


    OK guys. Cant we all just get along, lol.

    But honestly i am in JRTOC in highschool, im an upcoming senior and i have plans to go to college at NC State and be in the Air Force ROTC there and get commissioned as a second Lt. and got to flight school and become a pilot, so i know all about the codes and everything and maybe she did break a code, SO WHAT. EVERYONE BREAKS RULES!! And yeah beth is a little rough around the edges trust me i know, i help people all the time that was how we met, ive helped her through sooo much you people dont even know.

    And on another note, this isnt her first son to run away, her oldest ran away at one point too, He went to virginia and the cops had to go get him because he was a minor at the time, if he would have stayed in NC he might still be gone, but nobody knows, im trying to be very respectable about this, i know the one side because ive ran away for a few weeks before without any contact to my friends or family. I went and stayed at a friends house where i thought noone would find me, and when i came home me and my mom spoke and i apologized. And she apologized to me also, so i know how it is and i know how she is feeling!! because my parents told me just how it was!
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member


    kaos seems very level-headed and maybe the logistical distance to the situation is a plus.
  19. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Don't be angry little one. You seem not to be able to take the 'high road' yourself.
  20. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member


    If anyone reading this stuff has any info-provide it , have him come home, or call his mother.


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