Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Again - a lie, Pyro. My oldest son never ran away to VA. His girlfriend lives in VA and he drove up to see her once without my permission - and the cops never went to get him. His girlfriend's mother (who happens to be my best friend of 30 years) sent him home on the train the next day because she respects me as a parent. He didn't run away. I knew exactly where he was, I knew where he was headed when he left. You're being fed lies about me as a person and as a mother, honey. As was/is Daniel, probably.

    I'm not going to try and justify myself to you anymore. I'm not going to defend myself to you anymore. I just hope you realize the bull you've been swallowing lately. Swallow enough and eventually, you'll get sick.
  2. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Thats a nice quote. Too bad the internet culture says otherwise. But I know, your a rebel. /highfive
  3. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    I'm simply defending my friend from those who make false claims.
  4. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Jeez >.>
  5. Kiddo_08

    Kiddo_08 Member

    wow this thread took a turn.

    THe"Girl" will always be a girl and never a lady. I know all of you - well maybe not the Gas chick, but other then that I know every player in this game -including pyro and kaos - and I am telling ya that "the girl" has a horrible reputation - you r guys no it - and her mother is proud of her for doing it. It seems as if the more guys she gets - the happier mom is. "Oh isn't my little darling so popular!" Yeah - can ya guess why? I could go on and on and on and on

    I do want this thread to get pulled - so all i will say is ...
    Daniel may have screwed up but there may still be hope for you to get your life back on track. away from the leeches. BUT if that is what you want then your mom will let you man up-or what ever you want - you will have it better when you come back. You r mom promised that she would stand by your decisions. Just get a paternity test dude, really!

    My mom never gave up on me and I don't think yours will either.
  6. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    ok can i ask you one more question??
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    That is about as immature as i have seen, like Ken said, fortunately the folks on this board know how to use the blue arrow to find what was really quoted.

    If you kids are on here trying to get people to see there are two sides to every story the only thing you are proving is that Daniel's mom's side is right if you are representative of the other side (not you Kaos). Personally i thought there may have been another side we haven't heard but still felt sympathy and wanted to help a mother missing her son but you guys have proven to me that Daniel's Mom is right on in her fear for her child.
  8. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    I don't usually go around and searching for man with an idea that can be quoted. Kinda like memorizing all the speed signs on my way to work. I know the ones that matter but not every other that looks just like it. And I'm thrilled you can read. :D
  9. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    There has never been an "indicent" at Beth's house. The last conversation I had with Beth and her mother, I used one cuss word when speaking to Beth - which I regret, by the way. Every other conversation has been calm and cooperative. If you're referring to that last conversation, I don't know who your "witnesses" could be. We were outside Beth's house on her front porch and the only people there were Beth, her mother, myself, my oldest son, and my sister. If there were witnesses who saw it, where were they?
  10. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    ok so what your saying is that when a teenager becomes pregnant its a mistake, your telling me that the child is a mistake to have. Which is wrong because a baby is a baby, its new life into the world and you call it a mistake
  11. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    LOL. And trolling forums is really helping the effort. RRRrrrright lol.
  12. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    2 years

    2 years is so much younger...Ok Ken...*pats Ken on the head*

    And people are entitled to their opinions it apparently doesn't bother everyone else. Wait what is that guy doing far off in the distance... :beathorse:
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thank you Ken, my thought exactly:lol::lol:
  14. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    I try my hardest.
  15. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

  16. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Seriously, you got to wonder if Daniel is posting/reading any of these...
  17. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    /slits wrists

  18. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    actually the witness was in the house watching through a window, pretty good huh? Oh yeah and my question was So your calling your son a liar?? because most everything ive heard about you was through him before he ran away. Wow his stories scared me, lol!
  19. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Shaddup you!
  20. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    IDK Ken....this one might need to be sharpened a bit much also....

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