Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Here we go again. Wow.
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Under your bed?
  3. packleader

    packleader Guest

    I am new to this forum, and just found it as I was looking at Daniel's Picture on 4042, the same day me and my husband were talking about the poster.

    Sounds like he's ok according to those who personally know him on this thread.

    I have children of my own and only imagine how heartbreaking this is. But in the same breathe, I have to say that this thread is getting off key. The point is to find him. Obviously someone knows where he is. I have to give my opinion and hope not to get bashed, if he's ok, then someone needs to let you know. If he thinks he's old enough to have unsafe sex, then he's old enough to face the consequences of life. If it was an abduction that's one thing, but you guys have a lot of issues that is going to take time to sort out. Pray for his safety and hope he comes to his senses and comes home, otherwise you are just feeding the fire w/letting the world know what's going on in your family and others.

    This thread is just insane w/all the name calling. You should start a new one for just information about your son only. No opinions/comments, just information of sitings.

    I wish you the best of luck. I will continue to pray that he finds it in his heart to come home or at least call or have someone call to say he's safe.
  4. caligirl89

    caligirl89 Guest

    first of all "PYRO" is not Nate.
    second saying that Daniel is at Beth's house is crap. If Daniel was over there im sure Beth wouldn't be at school and her friends wouldnt be over there every day. are you that stupid or naive to believe that Daniel would actually go to his girlfriends house if he ran away!? That would be the first place my parents would look. Daniel is a smart kid and you underestimate him. IF you ever even spent time with Beth and Daniel you would know that they love each other and maybe having a baby wasnt planned but there were extremely happy about it until you got involved.
    for three throwing a Bible at your kid and hitting them with a belt is not good parenting skills. maybe its you who needs the discipline not Beth. The way Beth's mom raises her and the rules that her mom has set for her is none of your business.

    i dont even know why you are so wrapped up in thinking that Daniel is at Beth's house when other people have seen him at White Oak and 40-42 and at Adventure Landing. Instead of sitting outside Beth's house or her work why dont you go look there.

    And by the way....Daniel is not missing. He ran away to get away from your crazy, over controlling, over bearing rules and ways of treating your sons. Missing kids are children who get kid napped or lost out in public, not ones who chose to run away.

    if you really care act like it and stop following beth's friends and family around.
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh dear God. Not another one. You should just keep you mouth shut. Everytime you open it, stupidity falls out.

    Have I made it to the end of the thread yet?
  6. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Can webbie make an age limit for post?? PLEASE WEBBIE PLEASE! It kills me all these kids coming on here for the 1st time ever giving pointless information!!!!!!!!!
  7. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Here we go again....welcome to the group Caligirl
  8. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    It seems we think alike... I just did that.
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Our own little Payton Place

    This thread is just great, lets add a few more players and it can go National! :cheers:

    I can picture both a Emo tune and a Country tune in the works here, if we play it right Cheney can make a joke about Johnston County. Hopefully we can stop WalMart before they get any farther along and stop the crowding.
  10. caligirl89

    caligirl89 Guest

  11. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Baaa ha ha ha ha ....I can't wait until you have kids and your son or daughter pops up pregnant. Let's see how YOU don't get involved??
  12. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Good God......what about if any of these kids' future children do this to them!!! I hope they remember..
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    When a child is born to two children and all three will in reality have to be supported by either the parents or all the rest of us hard working Americans, then they willingly open it up to everyone's business. Yeah, they can both get min wage jobs and work their tails off like other have done, but these days i see very few teenage parents that are willing to do that, easier to live off the system unfortunately.
  14. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    I'm so tired of defending myself! And I'm tired of being chastized for tossing my business into the public. But I refuse to allow the lies that are being told about me to go unchallenged. Either Daniel has exaggerated his homelife to gain sympathy from his friends, or someone else has been spreading this crap.

    First - I did not throw a Bible at anyone. Daniel has never been ashamed of his faith. He went to church even when I didn't take him. He wore t-shirts proclaiming his faith and listened to Christian music. If you know Daniel, you know this is true. Daniel and his friend had skipped school the day before he ran away. Daniel was sitting on the floor, his friend on the couch. Daniel was telling me I was being overprotective and overbearing for grounding him. We have a large family bible that was on the table nearby. I picked it up, dropped it to the floor next to Daniel, and asked him when he quit believing what it said. This bible is huge - about 4 inches thick - and made quite a sound when it hit the floor. Both he and his friend jumped. I did NOT throw a Bible at him.

    Second - I spanked Daniel's older brother with a belt when he was 10 years old (that was 8 years ago). I had never done it before that, and never did it again - I won't get into the details here but there wasn't much too it and the only reason I'd followed through is because I let the words "I'll be back with the belt" come out of my mouth and as a parent, I had to follow through. I've NEVER spanked, hit, or otherwise used corporal punishment on Daniel after about 4 years old. His older brother used to complain that Daniel rarely ever even got grounded and I used to jokingly say "you want me to ground him for no reason just so you guys are even?". Daniel rarely got in trouble before all this. He hasn't had a spanking since he was 4, and he was rarely grounded because he rarely got in trouble.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  15. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Funny Daniel was a normal well adjusted honor student and happy teen until he began to hand around "her" and "her mom"

    If Daniel is her boyfriend - then why isn't she more concerned...out looking...
  16. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Ya know, coming from Pepper, this gives Daniel's mom's version more credibility than anything the rest of the kids say. Pepper is a wellknown and respected member of the community and there are quite a few of us who are proud to call her friend and will believe her no matter what silliness the kiddies are posting.
  17. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    There's no need for you to explain yourself to these kids. They are just a bunch of immature idiots trying to get your blood boiling. Ignore them and lets work on getting this kid home!
  18. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Good idea. Thanks, Turtlepits.
  19. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your help, Pepper. I'll be back your way for another meeting Tuesday morning. I'll stop by and see ya while I'm there.
  20. Kiddo_08

    Kiddo_08 Member

    I may not agree with everything my mom says or wants me to do . but sometimes we just agree that we don't agree. running away is running from your problems.
    :mrgreen:Whoever is helping him SHOULD be trying to get him to call his mom is they are decent at all.

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