Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    i be there-anyone working on Vigil Flyers?
    Do we need any?
    How is the media thing coming?
  2. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    I'll have a bunch of new copies of the flyer made to hand out while we're there.

    I've contacted the big three NBC17, WRAL, and WTVD but no response yet.

    I'm wondering how many candles to bring.
  3. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Without having to search through all the post, what time is is going to happen and what day? I remember the place you said, but not the times or day!
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Pssst. Hey Pyro.

  5. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

  6. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    My apologies for the mistake.

    I'm not stupid or naive, Caligirl. I thought he might be there the first day or two because he told his little brother that he might go stay in the camper in Beth's driveway. Whether I thought he'd actually go there or not, if he'd said it himself, why would I NOT look there?

    I know Daniel is a smart kid, I raised him. I don't at all underestimate him. Matter of fact, I tried telling him that he was smarter than to think he and Beth could raise this baby on their own. Neither of them can even support themselves, let alone a baby. He didn't start making dumb choices until he started dating Beth.

    If I ever spent time with them? Of course I spent time with them. I know very well how much Daniel loves Beth - If you'll read previous posts, that's EXACTLY why I don't believe that Beth has not heard from him. Because he loves her, he would not leave and not contact her and let her know he was OK. You've just proven my point for me, hon.

    EXACTLY!!! And the way I choose to raise my son and the rules that I set for him are none of THEIR business - so why butt in and interfere with my parenting?

    I have been looking at those places, and they've all been dead ends, hon. I got one report that he was seen at White Oak, but that was two weeks ago. The person who said they saw him at Shooters @ 40/42 decided they were mistaken after seeing his picture and describing him again, and I looked at almost 10 hours of surveilance video tape at Adventure Landing and could not find Daniel. The person must have been mistaken.

    Try saying that with such passion once you have kids of your own.
  7. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    8:00pm, Sunday the 8th at Ashley Turner Plaza.
  8. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I'm just baffled at these teens coming on here and saying the things they are saying. One day you will have a bunch of regrets on how you handled your HS years and they WILL affect your adult hood.

    I was a teenager once, but thank goodness my parents taught me better than some of my friends. Peppers daughter sounds just like I did back in HS...and my hat goes off to her for standing by her convictions!! Peppers you've done an outstanding job on raising such a fine young lady.

    With that being said...if Daniel would just call home and talk to his MOM or SOMEONE in his family just to say... " I AM SAFE" that would definitely be the right thing to do. Can any of you children posting even imagine what this family is going through? Think of the most precious relationship in your life currently and multiply that by 1 Million and you might get a different perspective on this.
  9. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    thanks, I'll be there!
  10. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    AMEN to that.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    This whole thread is just too sad, only one thing keeps popping up in my head as I read it.

    TRUTH: His truth, her truth and somewhere in the middle lies the real truth. Can't see anyone getting to the middle anytime soon.

    just my two cents.
  12. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    Don't try to justify yourself anymore. They aren't worth it. Their statements just reinforce that they know where he is. It's not about their relationship at all. This is about a CHILD that needs to contact his mother. Whether he comes home or not, he needs to call home. This is ridiculous to keep going on like this and going back an forth with children. When I was a teen, I thought my parents were horrible too. Not to mention everyone elses parents, and their punishments were like child abuse......but they are kids, and that's how they see it. I'm sure my kids don't like my rules either, but that's exactly what they are, my rules. And, they will obey them.
    Stop with the causing more trouble for Daniel's mom, and help her find him. Tell him to just call her and reassure her that he is okay. If you need to go somewhere else, I know H6, and Ro, I believe, offered to help. Don't let this drag on any further. Be a man and put an end to the stupid situation. If mom's rules are so bad, stand up and let her know what you think. You look like a coward by just running away from the situation.
  13. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I agree :)
  14. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member


    From what I read no one has seen or heard from Daniel in weeks. (If it were my boyfriend missing, and I loved him as much as her friends says she does-I'd be searching everywhere to find my bf!) All possible sightings lead to a dead-end.

    So, when does a runaway become a Missing person and make the evening news? What if (please God forbid) this boy has run away and then one night on the streets something else horrible happens to him? Not trying to scare you TJ-

    But, my point is: "friends" of Daniel who haven't seen or heard from him somehow "know" Daniel refuses to call or go home and face any punishment that may await him.

    If that's the case, another adult has offered his contact info (Hat6). I'm guessing the most important thing to Daniel's Mom is knowing that he's alive and okay. I also assume his Dad and brothers miss him dearly.

    Daniel, please call SOMEONE and get a message to your family- borrow a cell phone, call collect, send a letter, geesh- man up and do something to acknowledge your okay. That's the LEAST you could do to demonstrate your maturity. Prove to all of us adults you have it together as your friends say.

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  15. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    PLEASE Daniel!! Just let me know you're OK. If you don't want to call because you're afraid of giving away where you are... stick a note in the mailbox or something. ANYTHING. I just need to know you're OK. If I knew you were OK and just didn't want to come home, I wouldn't be so worried. As much as it hurts to think that you hate me that much, I'd rather you hate me and be OK, than be in trouble or hurt.
  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I have spent some time reading this Thread today and am almost speechless. The good thing to come out of it is that many people are still talking about Daniel, which is good.

    Most of you know that my daughter is sixteen. She has never flunked a class, used drugs, drunk alcohol or had any type of sex. She is a rising Junior and we are all proud of her. So, my guess is that the kids talking about doing all of this are really in the minority. That is what I tell my daughter. She is considered a "goody-good" girl. Sometimes those who talk about it are those that are not really doing it.

    Now, I believe we started this Thread to help a local family find their son...Period. I could care less about all the different sides other than he has a family who is responsible for him.

    dangerboy and others...my daughter and her friends either have jobs or are looking for jobs. Most are sixteen and have not been asked for a work permit. They are working at national corporations to small businesses.

    I am going to Post the pictures and contact information on the new Thread in hopes that people who want to help and/or Daniel will see a more positive search. Nothing against most who posted but it took me almost two hours to read and absorb all of this Thread. If posting on the new Thread please do not use real names or names of businesses (unless you use the business name in thanking them for posting a flyer or something).

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member


    there already is another, info only thread


    and re: working, i agree about the 16 year olds being able to get jobs without permits. i was trying to give her some peace of mind that he might be able to work to take care of himself...
  18. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I knew what you were doing but wanted to make sure people really understood. I saw the other Thread after posting on this one so I will get the pictures and contact information on that one.

    Thanks so much...dangerboy!

  19. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys. It may be that he can get a job without a permit. I don't understand this either... he's a minor, but the Social Security Administration won't tell me if his SSN is being used. He could easily have a cash job, but if not, you'd think they could give info to the mother of a minor if I show my ID and his birth certificate. They'll issue me a new Social Security card for him if I need one, but won't tell me if his SSN is being used. How much sense does THAT make?
  20. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    TJ ~ just sent you a PM.

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