Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Its bad....and its a shame
  2. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    He has a reason to be upset, he is a testament for the majority of this and he sees everything that goes on in that household. And he doesn't know where Daniel is either.
  3. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I am going to pass this on to my kids and see if that changes anything. This will be interesting.
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Being upset is no reason to be trashing people, i know Pepper and kiddo personally and admire both of them and telling lies about others does not make things right.
  5. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    He may know what is going on in that household, but he isn't helping the situation by making worse accusations about others. That isn't going to make things any better for anyone. He is beginning to paint a picture of himself that is worse than anything I have read about "Beth".
  6. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    This would actually be relevant if we really knew where he was.
  7. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    Im not sure if they are lies or not but i peppercorn and know her daughter as well and yeah maybe the bashing is wrong, but it seems to be getting to the point where everyone is bashing less and getting more on track...not the most adequate way to go about things but it works.
  8. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    When you feel passionate for a cause you know is right wouldn't you do anything in your power to support it? Look at it that way. If anything were to happen to Beth, Pyro would be the one kick the **** out of any and everyone involved, because he cares, if thats wrong...thats is unfortunate.
  9. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Yep, somebody better be speaking up fast.
  10. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    Well, we are all willing to do whatever we need to help. If anyone has suggestions on where to start, that would be helpful. I don't even know anyone involved, so I don't know where to look, or where anyone has looked. Let's all work together. Or, if Daniel is reading, just have someone let your mom know you are okay. It's that simple. You don't have to come home, if you can't or won't, but just let her know you are okay. That will stop a lot of this junk.
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i believe this is a case of he said, she said, so i know.
  12. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    It's okay to be passionate about something, but that doesn't mean to take down everyone in your way. kiddo didn't do anything wrong, they are passionate about something too, and stated it. Does that mean you should open up a whole other can for them. What happened to finding Daniel? If Pyro is Daniel's friend too, then he should be passionate about finding him. If "Beth" is pregnant then she will need her friends, but she needs the father too. Help us find him. Help get him to call his mom, instead of her friends bashing everyone that comes along. We all want to help.
  13. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    To be honest, I have not read every single word that has been written on these threads. I have tried to catch the high lights, so as far as whether or not his friends get on here and read this, well guess I didn't catch that.

    This woman is asking for help and information and there seem to be a lot of concerned people wanting information about this young man. And if these "friends" are any kind of friends at all, they will read this and convince him to go home and try to work things out, if there is a problem at home. Helping to keep him away is not helping him at all. No, I don't know all the cirumstances as to why he ran away or anything like that. What we have is a 16 year old that is still very much a child, who seems to think he knows what is best for him. We also have KIDS that seem to think they have all the answers and know what is best for him. We have a mother that is worried and missing her son and is asking for help. We have people here that are concerned and worried about this young man and also asking for information and doing what they can to help find him. We have people that seem to be more worried ab out how something is worded than what the actual content of the post was.

    Maybe these kids that are reading some of this will let him know that there are people that are concerned about him and his well being. Maybe they will let him know that whatever is wrong that caused this, well there is a good possibility that it can be fixed, with some love and guidance for all sides. Maybe they will let him know how important his education is to get a good job and support ones self. Maybe they will let him know there are better choices than running away.

    Maybe I was able to help make a mother feel a little better as well as this community by passing this along. No, I don't know the kid that this came from, nor do I know the people that were discussing this, but I did confirm that the comment was made and maybe just knowing that he is ok helped a little.
  14. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    I could ask the same question...

    I didn't know about this site until I was told about random people bashing Beth when she isn't the one responsible for Daniel's departure. That and everyone wanting to get her address to harass her when she doesn't know anything...its childish, you have to give the kid more credit than that, if he is as smart as Im sure he is, the last thing he would do it to talk to Beth because obviously that is the first place you guys want to look.
  15. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I am confused...who is doing all the bashing. All we want is a boy to go home to his parents where he belongs.
  16. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    no one mentioned her name until you guys came on here.
  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Exactly, there was no name mentioned, no address given, no myspace posted until her supposed friends exposed her to everyone. But i guess we have to understand that children will be children.
  18. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    Give me a minute...ill get all the documentation
  19. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    did you call her yet to find out if she was still pregnant?
  20. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I hope I NEVER have to go thru what Daniel's mom is going thru....you guys have my back...right.

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