You know I do that too, but just didn't think this place would have a web site..duh. But, I checked it out and it would be just 16 bucks for me and my daughter to go..I really might just go and check it out and bring back a report on how it was. I have GOT to get going on some tan here before Disney!! I have already laid out in the back yard, but with her home, she is going to be really bored if I do that.
it looks like a lot of fun....we pass it every Sunday coming back from the beach and the kids want to go so bad! go and come back and tell us what its all about.....I bet it'll be PACKED this weekend!
I'm sure it will be, that is why I was trying to find something for me and her to go to. I will send in a report lol.
Hope you enjoy it. My oldest son helped them out a couple summers ago when they had a lifeguard shortage. He liked it, but of course he is a teen and there were teen girls there.....
Jungle Rapids in Wilmington is also a fun place to go for the day, approx 1.5 hr drive.
Thanks I know of that place...but that would fed the whole purpose of not spending a lot of money...gas would eat me up to get there. maybe in the future. Sheri
My neighbor and I take our kids to Tucker Lake a lot. Go during the week and it is not crowded. We have NEVER had a bad experience there and I have been 20+ times.
Anyone been to White Lake Water Park? We drove by it on a recent trip. I cannot recall if it is an hour or 1.5 hours from here. The cost is not to bad ... especially for the after 3:00 admission.
We've been to Silver Lake Water Park 3x(tryon Rd) and have not had a bad experience yet. We've been both on a weekday and a Sunday and neither time was very crowded at all.
update on Tucker Lake We went yesterday and was there for 4 hours. When we got there it wasn't to many people there at all. It was about 11am. Took us 15 min from 210/40 to get there. We had a lot of fun and never had any problems with anyone. I liked the fact that there you don't have to pay extra to use the big slide, were at Silver lake (tryon) you do. We just stayed right in front of it and my daughter would go swimming for a while and then go down the slide. She didn't use anything else cause she didn't get bored to ask for it. They did have a boat pulling kids on this long bananna type thing and that looked like a lot of fun. Next time she wants to do that. Me I got some big time sun, and relaxed. If you don't mind lake water then you shouldn't have a problem. (just take a shower when you get home lol) All in all I will be going was worth it to me. Sheri
Thanks for that update!! Sounds like you and the kiddo had a blast! I thought about you when I passed by on the way back from Oak Island. It just looks like its so much fun!!
It really was fun, it did get busy as the day went on..but no one bothered us..I like just sitting in my chair and watching others as well..I just can't get the ones that wear bathing suits that are 2 times to small or ones that really need to be wearing a 1 piece..makes me feel better lol.
I like Tucker Lake, for the young children and the older ones. That zipline is a blast! AND I don't feel like I am harboring bacteria in the back of my throat when I leave (which is why I do not frequent Silver Lake).
I haven't been there for a few years, and it worked fine when my daughter was younger..and we were members of Victoria's pond last year so there was no need. I mean the water wasn't clean clean at Tucker's but like the grounds and stuff very clean and I was pleased with it. Now when I went back to my car I was blocked in and people were leaning up against my bottle on the tail gate..I had a problem with that..I wasn't ugly about it, just told them to move their cars so I could get out lol.
It might have been different if my daughter wasn't with me, cause she is at the perfect age to pick up every word I say and every action that I me I wanted to say more.