Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    It happens ... it was in a rambling mood today :) I started typing and just kept going .... and going ... and going ... and going.
  2. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Yep ... I've been a slacker lately with my short postings. I know ya'll were expecting more from me :)
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I quite enjoyed your post. I am about to print it and make my kids read it. Thanks so much for putting that into words. It was perfectly written and 100% true.
  4. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you enjoyed it:) I wouldn't say it was well written ... I saw tons of grammer errors ... but hopefully I still got my point across :)
    It always worries me when kids get old enough to think they can walk out of the door - believing they know what's best for themselves. I think they forget that parents were teens once too and we are just trying to help them learn from the mistakes we made ... or witnessed. It always amazes me that parents can have a baby, spend years changing diapers, working to take care of the child, helping with homework, carpooling them around everywhere, throwing birthday parties & surprising our kids at Christmas, buying them clothes, cleaning up their throwup & caring for them when they are sick ... and sooo, sooo much more .....
    and then some "friend" who's done no more than shared a few beers and helped the kid kill a few brain cells can become more respected & more important than the parents who gave the kid life?? I see it happen all the time and it scares the h-e-l-l out of me.
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    it scares me too!! I hate it! I did it, we all did it. I just hope mine can come out gently unscathed (sp?) like I did.
  6. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    Thanks Melynda, I just printed it off and left it on my 18y/o DD's bed. We have had that issue where if I say something she responds with " oh well so and so said to do it this way"
  7. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Melynda - I just love you more and more everyday. You continue to amaze me for being such a quiet person in front of me, but yet get you writing and WOW. Such deep, thoughtful and even sometimes overwhelming emotions are tickled. You are a gift!!!
  8. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    If only they would truly listen. We've all been teens and knew more than our parents. But, how I wish we could truly reach them. Loved reading your post Melynda....I'm going to print it and share with my teens at church.
  9. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    great writing Melynda!!!

    i am going to make my daughter read it. THey get so caught up in the drama. The who is doing what, and who has what stuff, that they forget why they are really in the school.

    Didn't i meet you on Sunday with a couple of beautiful children in tow.......???
  10. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Yep ... I think my little ones are pretty cute :) It was nice meeting you & your daughter :)

    Heck, if I knew the kids were going to have to read that ... I might have worked on cleaning up my grammer a little more :) I'm sure what I wrote is probably no different than what every parent has been preaching to their teens for years. I know my Mom begged us to listen ... but of course neither I nor my siblings thought she had a clue what being a teen was like. When my Mom gave my sister the truck years ago, she put a bumper sticker on it that read "Hire a teenager while they still know everything". The older I get ... the more I realize I still have to learn ... but when I was young I was sure I was invincible. I was absolutely, positive I knew more than my dear old Mom. I was SOOOO wrong.

    I didn't mean to get the thread off subject. I really hope Daniel comes home soon. It's just when I read about his reasons for leaving ... they sounded so familiar to so many arguments that went on between my friends & their parents and in my own household when I was young. I just hope Daniel figures out that the folks that care the most about him ... are the ones who have loved & cared for him since the day he was born. I'm sure Daniel's friends care a great deal for him ... and I'm sure they believe they are helping him. However, friends will never be as willing to go as far or give up as much as his family will to make sure Daniel has a safe, happy future. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed hoping that Daniel will be at home to celebrate Father's Day with his Parents and grandparents.
  11. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Message for Daniel

    Daniel - You said you've been reading these so I hope you see this too. Thank you for calling me. I love you and miss you sooo much. We saved your seat at Graduation, just in case. I know you were there with Chris in spirit. He missed you though. We all do. Terribly! I want you to know I was being completely honest with you about not making you come home. I just want to see you sometime. We can have dinner or something and just talk. I want to see your smile. I need to put my arms around you and tell you I love you to your face. If you choose to pick up the phone again, please call Papa. You know him... Hoo-rah! Suck it up, Marine! But he's not able to suck this one up, honey. Please let him hear your voice. Or call Chris. Tell him congratulations.

    I know you're angry with me right now. I know that. But there's a whole family that loves you that you've left behind. I get calls every day from people who love you, just calling to see if there's been news of you. Caleb calls almost every day. Christa wants you to know that "Nobody likes you, Daniel" (<-- Inside joke!), but she misses you anyway. You should see Hannah Joe!! She's the cutest thing in the world. And Zoe started talking. Rick's jealous because she says "Granny" (at least something that's close to Granny), but she isn't saying Papa yet. And AMY's HOME FOR THE SUMMER!! Can you believe it!? She'll be here until August 11.

    I love you so much, honey. That last month with Dad was hard. But this is harder. Much harder. I dream about you. Two nights ago you came walking out of the woods into the back yard like you'd never been gone. Last night I was in a big crowd of people and saw you, but I couldn't get to you and you couldn't hear me calling to you over the crowd.

    We've already planned your welcome home party. And I bought you something special I saw while I was out hanging posters 2 weeks ago. It'll have to be a surprise though. I really think you'll like it. No, I KNOW you'll like it.

    I love you, sweetheart. Home isn't home without you. Whenever you're ready, your room will always be your room. This is your home. You might be sleeping somewhere else, but THIS is your home. With your family. Papa out in the yard tinkering on the truck when you come home from school... Granny ready with your afterschool snack in the kitchen... Lunch with the aunts and uncles and cousins after church on Sundays... Playing tag with Drew and Colby... A great big family that will love you and support you through anything. That's the life God gave you. That's the life you deserve.

    Kate and Suemom are coming to Pilot now! Both of them! They've even been coming to my sunday school class. We miss you, Daniel. We love you lots. To the moon and back! Do you remeber that? When you were little and I'd ask you if you knew how much I loved you. After reading that book, that was always your answer. To the moon and back, Mommy.

    I love you to the moon and back, Daniel.

    Forever and always,
  12. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    P.S. Call me again sometime. Hearing your voice was the best thing ever.
  13. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    so, does this mean he's checked in at home?
  14. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    sounds like it.
    I dont know much about why this boy left but throwing a party for when he comes home might not be the thing to do. I mean, he ran away, why would one embarrass him with a welcome home party. There is obviously issues here and I know this mom LOVES her son. I have learned with my son that boys are different. They have to find themselves sometimes. There is a saying I want to share. " A daughter is a daughter all her life, a son is a son until he takes a wife." seems like daughters in general stay closer to home. (not all)
    On the other hand a son leaves the nest, he will always be a son but they are more apt to be independant and not need what a daughter needs. I mean this with the utmost respect.
    This boy knows you love him or he wouldnt have called. he doesnt want to come home for some reason. Let him be for a while. He will call. I know this sounds harsh and I dont mean any disrespect to you. I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. I have one 19 year old, a 21 year old and a 23 year old and a 13 year old (ALL BOYS). I cried and cried as they didnt "need" me anymore and I had to realize that it is what it is. If one wanted to leave, I cant stop it. I just hope their gardian angel stays with them and hope that I have taught them the right things.
    I know this because after crying and crying and not feeling "needed" by my boys, my dad explained this to me.
    So if he has called, he isnt missing anymore, take down the flyers and just pray for him. pray that God will show him the way, pray that his angels are with him, pray that you have gave him the tools to use in life and he will use them wisely.
    It sounds like this family loves daniel, please dont get me wrong. I know you are worried like heck that something is going to happen to "your baby". The worry NEVER leaves no matter if he is 16, 18 or 50.

    Relax, he is alive and doing well if he called. I saw the flyers in Clayton.

    If this makes sense to you and you want to chat, PM me, okay?

    Much love and I think of the situation every time I go to the clayton post office.
  15. packleader

    packleader Guest

    I am so happy that Daniel called!!!!! I hope that he comes home soon!!!! As a parent, I know you feel relieved to hear his voice. I have been doing a lot of praying for your family and will continue long after he's home. I will continue to check this board and I hope real soon it'll say that he's home and doing great.....
  16. Sporadic2000

    Sporadic2000 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad he called you! Now some of your fears have been put to rest. I know I would worry when the kids were supposed to be home from the movies at 11:00 and at 11:02 they weren't home yet. Your mind races through a million things that could have happened. Then when they get home at 11:03 because of traffic, you have such a sense of relief and can finally go to sleep.
  17. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt throw him a welcome home party just for the fact that you dont reward someone for doing wrong, and yes I think running away from home is wrong!

    TJ1947 I am glad that you did get to hear from him and know that he is alright! Did you call the Sheriffs office and let them know that you had heard from him????
  18. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    Thank you Daniel, you have taken the 1st and hardest step. My prayer has been answered. I know your mother was so happy to hear from you. You have brought a smile to many faces today.......... keep taking the steps forward son, baby steps are fine, just forward... each step is easier. I don't know you, but I love you. I have walked in your shoes and your mother's shoes. I have healed wounds I made with my parents and wounds between myself and my kids who where once teenagers. It's a tuff stage for everyone, but thank you again. and please PM if I can ever help in this matter. You are loved by so many. :grouphug:
  19. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I love this part of your letter to Daniel. I still do this with my son. I really hope my son remembers this when he reaches the teen years ... and know that I really mean it.

    I'm so glad Daniel called.

    I left home after an argument with my Mom when I was in high school also. My guess is that a lot of us made that mistake in our high school years. The only good thing that came out of my leaving ... is that my Mother & I were able to communicate better when I came back home. It was almost like she realized I was a person with thoughts & feelings ... and I came to learn the same about her.
  20. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Luke 15:11-32

    Parable of the Prodigal Son, you bet I would do the party and celebrate his return

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