Even though it's still a few years away when we can see these cars on our street but this is a positive step toward petroleum independent. Paying $4 is a pain. Good job Honda. My question is why such innovation like this in modern automobile industry always come from Japanese automakers? It has been the success of Toyato with the the electric car Prius hybrid, and now Honda with fuel cell. What's happen to American automakers?
This looks more like a PR stunt, realize it will take energy to make the hydrogen, they also are unable to make very many.
Saw this other day on a commercial... the Honda FCX Clarity. http://automobiles.honda.com/fcx-clarity/ Looks awesome but only avail in So Cali. Honda and a couple other companies have cars that are low-emission or "zero" emission but you can only get them in certain states since they take a special type of fuel. The mpg isn't that much better than the regular version, but the emissions are practically zero. At least a step in the right direction, IMO. Which would you rather have... a car that gets 75 mpg and pumps out 50 pounds of carbon for every mile you go, or something that only gets 30 mpg and pumps out 1 pound (or less) every 100 miles? three words: [the] padded pocket [of] politicians We've got the technology. Most of it's developed here and sold and/or manufactured overseas because it's cheaper. Oil is such a cash crop for most current politicians they don't want to change the regulations or they want to postpone them as long as possible. Look at monkey boy's recent legislation. 35 MPG by 2020. Are you kidding me? The way technology is advancing we should be at 60+ by then as the minimum or require hybrid/fuel cell/other alternative. Don't think Obama will make it any better. He only wants to change it 40 mpg by 2020. Another 5 mpg? Turn on your A/C and that's gone. Nothing is said about reducing emissions or alternative solutions.
Yep, compressed hydrogen in a tank, attached to the cars of thousands of wacko American drivers. Just what I'm looking forward too. The explosions are going to be interesting, to say the least. We are not ready for Hydrogen cars. It's loosing abillity to remain a stable and usable fuel in cold weather; it's byproduct is water. Minimal tank volumn when compared to gas, your trips to the station will be 4 fold. Although I'm sure we'll have some backyard mechanic modifying that so he's carrying a Nagasaki size tank on his Monster Truck Hydro-mobile. The continued problem with intake backfire. And, the most important factor ... your looking at a car that over 60% of Americans can not afford to buy. Not even by 2020!! Why do we insist on chasing dreams while we are loosing sleep?
The rare earth fuel cells do not store the hydrogen under pressure, but produce a low pressure flow relative to the barometric pressure. It is only a storage system though and would require energy to produce. Using these low pressure storage systems, and gas station can also be a hydrogen station for a relatively small investment. The systme can produce more H2 during the off peak hours allowing for better utilization of the production capacity as well.