HAve some adult playtime on the front lawn while washing a car or something - then when they say anything just tell those women that you are keeping the spark alive in your relationship because you don't want to look old before your time and have trouble with your man, you know, like you hear they are.....
Invite all of us over to have a party and I'm sure we'll stir up something to get them talking. I might even have to dig deep in my drawer and find my leopard skin thong. Now THAT would get them talking for years!!!
Hijack on again:lol: Hey Redsky, thanks so much for the veggies, they are delicious, i am eating leftovers right now for lunch. Had to cook em last night, they looked so good, couldn't figure out how i wanted to cook em so i fried up some ground sirloin with onions, sauteed the zukes and squash with onions, oregano, basil, tomatoes, and mixed all together, ended up being delicious. Dh always gets the biggest kicks out of my concoctions:lol:
:hurray::hurray::hurray: Try them sliced with 1/4 cup white wine, garlic, onions and a little basil. YUMMY!!! You can grill them or sautee........
To my taste buds, zukes gotta have a little parmesan! Mine are still in bloom mode - when the heck did you plant yours redsky, March?!?
Oh that sounds good, gonna have to try that, i just used one of each last nite, those were some big babies you grew there:lol:
Sounds like you've met some of MY neighbors Ken. J/K CP, I'll trade with ya. And hey, all housewives are not gossips:mrgreen: