I'm taking the kids to the beach on Thursday (yes, I AM insane). Anyways, which is a good close one with restrooms, picnic area, and decent waves for bodyboarding? How 'bout Fort Fisher? Would that be a good one? We could pop into the aquarium first, eat, then swim.
Yep, or even up at the boardwalk at Carolina, right down from Fort Fisher. They have those little kiddie shows they put on for the kids right in the boardwalk area, bathrooms, food, game rooms, and the beach.
OK, then! Sometimes I just like to think/type outloud. I have never swam there, but walked the beach. I just didn't want my son to be bored with his board. lol
Oh yeah, where is that? Carolina Beach? Are the amusements new, I think we went years ago and there was not much there?
It's not real big but my grandkids love it, it is right in the middle when you head into Carolina Beach, you can't miss it. They have really cleaned it up and made it more family oriented. Edited to add: and it is not too far from the aquarium so you could do both.
I don't think your brave I think you are awesome! I went everywhere (pool, grocery, road trips 3+hours, zoo, mall) with twins from the time they were born....never gave it a 2nd thought! not a big deal! you go Cleo!
Add me to that club, i remember climbing the Peaks of Otter when my oldest was 2 weeks old in a babysack (can't remember the correct name, been way too long:lol but all 3 of my boys have been everywhere with me, the beach, the lakes, camping, shopping (ah the horror), road trips, didn't matter, where i went they pretty much went when they were little:lol:
Thanks Kaci, that sounds fun. You're right KB - as long as you make them portable from birth it is like second nature, exhausting - but second nature. My parents did alot with us as kids, and I have some really fond memories. Even from when I was 3/4. I want my kids to have similar memories. The rest of you chicks - just do it! Monkeypacks, backpack carriers, strollers.. any means necessary!
Just read on wral that the 1-40 West is closed till June 26th and that there is a 10 miles detour that backs up and takes like an additional 1 1/2 hours to go around. That is double the driving time home. I am not going to the beach till after June 26th then.
we came back that way Sunday, and there was not a hour and a half delay and there certainly was not any 10 mile stretch.....its one exit closed, you get off of that exit, cross over and proceed on down 40....maybe added 10 minutes to our trip back....that's so very misleading.