And the sad part about it is my cucumbers are still small, yellow and curled up, instead of ramrod straight!
Someone, PLEASE help me,,,,, I WANT big straight cucumbers.,,, I need more than a doctor's RX for these cucumbers, seriously. Come On, something more than Viagra that maybe I can find at Lowe's Home Improvement. Man, these Cucumbers need some serious HELP.!
Well throwing dog crap around the base of my fig bush this year has made the fig leafs big enough to be useful.
HaHaHaHa something a little sweeter smelling than that! I want to eat straight long cucumbers, I Don't want to eat something yellow, curled up and small that taste like SH#T!
I might be getting some cucumbers. I think what I did was put too much sevin dust on them and the bees just woundn't come around. Now that I haven't sevin dusted them in a week the bees are here and I see small cucs.
if you eat the 'pickling' cucumbers, they won't give you gas. Those are my favorite. they seem to have the best flavor too. If you take the seeds out of the cucumbers, they won't give you gas either, it's the seeds that cause it. Pampered Chef offers a cucumber de-seeder( not what it's called) and I love mine. ( I think its actually an apple corer, but it works on cucumbers too).
JENNIFER!!!! Hey girl! I wondered when you were gonna come back to us. We really missed you. How's little bit & mini me?
Well...if you go and buy Gold Standar 100% Whey Protein (Double Rich Chocolate) and some N.O.-Explode. You can make up for the lack of gas...You will be hyper as hell...start gaining a ton of muscle mass...but the gas is plentiful.