Gov. Mike Easley Related StoriesAsk Anything: 10 questions with Gov. Mike Easley Site Search Easley's Italian trip cost $170,000 Posted: Today at 12:25 a.m. Updated: 53 minutes ago RALEIGH, N.C. — State records obtained by The News & Observer of Raleigh show Gov. Mike Easley's industry-hunting trip to Italy cost more than $170,000. Easley, his wife and a dozen others made the nine-day trip in April. The newspaper reported Thursday that the expenses ranged from $590 for two nights in a hotel in Florence to $61,000 for a daily chauffeured Mercedes for the Easleys. "How can he justify spending $61,000 on a chauffeured Mercedes for he and his wife when hard-working North Carolinians are struggling to earn $61,000 in a year?" Linda Daves, chairwoman of the state Republican Party, said in a statement. "The governor should either return the money to the taxpayers or he should show results from his trip." The trip was designed to recruit industry and sell North Carolina as a tourist destination. Commerce Secretary Joe Fain says the trip was a success. Officials say they have six promising leads on new or expanding businesses, as well as two news stories in Italian publications about North Carolina as an attractive tourist destination. There has been no word yet on the expenses for the governor and first lady's security detail, or the head of the state Commerce Department. Isn't too much more you can say about this!!
I 'bout fell over when I heard about this the other day. As if we need to be drumming up business in Italy for tourism in NC. This guy needs to be run out of town on a rail. Just another example of him giving us the finger... remember when he suggested citizens vacation locally and not drive due to gas a few years ago? Then he hopped in his helicoptor and flew down to Southport for that Mem Day Weekend? Suckers...
"$61,000 on a chauffeured Mercedes for 9 days"? Govenor and first lady should reimburse the taxpayers and whoever made this arrangement and agreed to this arrangement should be fired.
Shouldn't us taxpayers be privy to the itinerary of that mercedes? I would like to know exactly WHERE they were trying to drum up business. At bureaus and offices or tourist attractions?
Just look at which party has been in control of state government for all these many years. When one party has as a long run in power, these abuses happen, makes no difference which party it is. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
yeah!!!!!! Governor Sleazly is at it again and going out with a bang. ON my state salary I can't afford to go to Wilmington, Let alone Italy. Yeah Gov, make sure you give the teachers all those hefty raises while your state employees get less then a COLA raise. WE don't even hit the national average. And next time you try to tell us that teachers are under paid - take into account their 10 month work year and the rest of the world's 12 month year. Thanks b-tth-ad
I know the frustation peps, but you're falling into the trap that politicians have played in Raleigh for years. Get the teachers and state employees competing with each other instead of uniting with each other.
What did you think they were going to do, rent a little Fiat and a GPS unit? Get real folks! I have been underwhelmed by Easley ever since he took office, but he was foreign dignitary with a decent sized entourage. I have heard a number of you complaining about the cost of renting a limo locally, let alone having to deal with the current dollar to Euro conversion! My guess is that $61,000 was probably pretty reasonable. Also per WTVD this evening it looks like 6 Italian businesses will be locating in NC. This might have been money well spent!
Wonder how much it would cost to buy a Mercedes S-class sedan then sell in 9 days? Would it depreciate $61,000 in 9 days? Plus WTVD reported that there were six "leads" from the Italian trip. That's a big difference from 6 relocating. Typical politics, move along folks, nothing else to see. Taxpayers, you took another one.