Hught, have you ever traveled to the Fall River area? Everyone up there has an old hatchet they has been passed down and they all "got it from someone who worked for the Bordens". Must be a 1,000 up there that is "the one".
I did many reports on her in school over the years.... Lizzie Bordon took an axe gave her mother 40 whacks when she saw what she had done she gave her father 41. Its a very interesting story, if you haven't read any of the books on it, its good reading.
Not knowingly, have gotten lost up there a few time though! Thankfully I now have a Garmen or I would be terrified of getting out of the car now with that knowledge! :mrgreen:
tassy, synchronicity!! I just watched an episode of Monsterquest that I had DVR'd last night that was about the Paranormal. One of the main topics was the Lizzie Borden house. Anyways, it is coming on again June 25th on the History Channel. MonsterQuest : Ghosts Airs on Wednesday June 25 08:00 PM Visit one of the most haunted houses in America, the Lizzie Borden house, scene of the famous 19th century double murder. Watch as paranormal expert's record bizarre goings on in this house with eight cameras rolling, including the highest resolution infrared camera ever used in a paranormal investigation. Will science and technology finally prove the existence of ghosts?