AIG center split

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmomtothree, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Fascinating, isn't it?
  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    What are you talking about on the pocket book? Please see below for the salary of a North Carolina State Senator. I don't think anyone is in it for the money. Heck, the Clerk of Deeds in Johnston County makes way more!



    How much do Legislators get paid?
    G.S. CHAPTER 120, ARTICLE 1: Apportionment of Members; Compensation and Allowances.
    120-3.Pay of members and officers of the General Assembly.
    (a) The Speaker of the House shall be paid an annual salary of thirty-eight thousand one hundred fifty-one dollars ($38,151) payable monthly, and an expense allowance of one thousand four hundred thirteen dollars ($1,413) per month. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall be paid an annual salary of thirty- eight thousand one hundred fifty-one dollars ($38,151) payable monthly, and an expense allowance of one thousand four hundred thirteen dollars (1,413) per month. The Speaker Pro Tempore of the House shall be paid an annual salary of twenty-one thousand seven hundred thirty-nine dollars ($21,739) payable monthly, and an expense allowance of eight hundred thirty-six dollars (836.00) per month. The Deputy President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall be paid an annual salary of twenty-one thousand seven hundred thirty-nine dollars ($21,739) payable monthly, and an expense allowance of eight hundred thirty-six dollars ($836.00) per month. The majority and minority leaders in the House and the majority and minority leaders in the Senate shall be paid an annual salary of seventeen thousand forty-eight dollars ($17,048) payable monthly, and an expense allowance of six hundred sixty- six dollars ($666.00) per month.

    (b) Every other member of the General Assembly shall receive increases in annual salary only to the extent of and in the amounts equal to the average increases received by employees of the State, effective upon convening of the next Regular Session of the General Assembly after enactment of these increased amounts, except no such increase is granted upon the convening of the 1997 Regular Session of the General Assembly. Accordingly, upon convening of the 1997 Regular Session of the General Assembly, every other member of the General Assembly shall be paid an annual salary of thirteen thousand nine hundred fifty-one dollars ($13,951) payable monthly, and an expense allowance of five hundred fifty-nine dollars ($559.00) per month.
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Sherry, I think he is talking about Dr. Parker not a State Senators salary.
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Hugh, I highlighted where he stated Kay Carroll and talked about the money so that is why I posted that. Not defending anyone just for clarification on the statement of money.

  5. bbfan

    bbfan Guest

    But again, the post was referring to Carroll and others filling Dr. Parker's pocket book- had nothing to do with senator pay! Dr. Parker keeps getting raises and contract extensions even though a lot of people in the county are not happy with the job he is doing- that was the point. (The pronoun his is referring to Dr. Parker- not Kay Carroll
  6. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    AIG Center on agenda

    taken from Newsbriefs in the Smithfield Herald, July 2, 2008..........

    The Johnston County Board of Education will meet at 2pm on Tuesday, July 8, at the Central Services building, 2320 US 70 Bus East, Smithfield.

    The board will discuss future plans for the AIG Center.

    taken from front page of Smithfield Herald, June 25, 2008........

    Leaders deny AIG closing plans

    Rumors are swirling, but Johnston school leaders say there are no plans to close the AIG Center, the Smithfield campus where academically and intellectually gifted students take enhancement classes.
  7. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    According to the letter dated June 27 (we just got our mail today from our vacation) from Ms. Hewitt, tomorrow's board meeting will discuss what to do for the 2009-10 school year. The letter now states the concern is "regarding the amount of time for instruction each day at the Center, due to extended travel times." There will be no changes next year, but after that....
  8. Moe

    Moe Active Member

    More of the Same

    Travel time has never been an issue in the past. It is like the central administration is trying to come up with every reason under the sun to "split" the Center and get the building for offices. Ms Hewitt has to follow the party line. If they do end up placing teachers at different schools, where is her office? Where do the secretaries go?

    Apparently there will be a committee formed to "study" this now (per the Board meeting yesterday). The curriculum at the Center will also be looked at. Goodbye to science dissections, studying other countries, Lego Dacta robotics, etc. What the central administration wants is more of the same going on in the regular classroom except in an "extended" fashion. The AIG curriculum (for both AIG Center AND cluster grouped children) will be a topic at the next Board meeting in August.
  9. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    I went to the board meeting yesterday. Needless to say, the school board is an dysfunctional family. The only group I've ever seen argue more/show more disrespect for each other is the US Congress.

    There are problems with the facility itself that were pointed out; however, as one parent said, those problems will need to be fixed whether it is a school or an office building.

    The transportation issue was minimal in the discussion.

    A committee will determine long and short-range goals for the center's operation and to fix the facility issues. One goal of the board, as said at the meeting, is to make the center K-12 instead of only K-5.

    We shall see......
  10. mommyw2girls

    mommyw2girls Guest

    I find this very funny considering my kids attend Dixon and there IS NOT an AIG program at this school. It is the only Elem in Jo Co that doesn't have one!
  11. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    Yes it does. I teach there.
  12. mommyw2girls

    mommyw2girls Guest

    Then how come when me and some other moms asked last year we were told they didn't have one?
  13. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Maybe I missed it, but what were the results of the meeting? Was it just a B*fest where the Board let the public gripe and is going to do its own thing anyway or did they actually listen and postpone their decision?

    Second job has started back up again.
    I was working, so couldn't make it.

  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It's possible that you asked somebody that was not aware, and instead of finding out the correct information they just said "no"?
  15. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    Basically the AIG center split discussion was an informational, not action, point on the agenda. There were three parents who spoke and several others there to listen. (I was a listener since I didn't get back from vacation in time to get on the agenda.)

    The decision presented was that a committee would be formed with teachers and parents on it. Kay Hewitt will also be on this committee. The purpose will be to look at short and long range plans to deal with the inadequacies of the program and to fix the facility needs. The center will not be split for the next school year. After that, who knows? It depends on what the committee determines and what the board approves.
  16. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Interestingly enough, the Smithfield Herald did not even touch on the subject of the AIG center in their article about the Board of Education meeting. They only wrote about the high school construction projects.
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    There's a separate story on AIG.
  18. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    The article about the AIG could move is not in my issue of the Herald. I just double checked and could not locate it. Thank you for sharing the link.

    The article says it was published after 9:00am. My Herald is delivered extremely early in the morning prior to dawn. Apparently, I need to read the online Herald and not the printed issue.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2008
  19. mommyw2girls

    mommyw2girls Guest

    ginger and I took the discussion to pm she is going to help answer our questions.
  20. mcgee's mom

    mcgee's mom Guest

    Become informed and join forces for gifted students in Johnston Co.

    A yahoo group is being formed to help "monitor" the status of gifted services in Johnston Co. According to Dr. Parker during the recent Board of Ed meeting they are looking at changes in the Center and AIG programming. Please join the following yahoo group and let's get organized.

    If you have a child in the K-12 grades and they qualify for any gifted services -- attend center, have clustering in their classroom, etc. you need to become a part of this group. Our children are counting on us.

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