Hey guys! I've had Nextel since God was a boy, but I'm thinking it might be time for a change. Since their merger with Sprint, my service has slowly gotten worse. I drop calls all the time now, or I can hear people and they can't hear me, or my voicemail will all of a sudden ring, and I've never heard the phone, etc... I'm currently on Sprint's unlimited $99 plan, talk, text, web... I go everwhere...the mountains (no service), the beach (very little service), VA, SC, etc.... I've been searching through some older posts, and it seems like Altell and Verizon get the most votes for service. I'd love to hear some personal experiences, and if you wouldn't mind, would like to know about what calling plans you're currently on. Thanks in advance!
Thats strange.. I've had Nextel for atleast 8 years, and haven't noticed my service any better or worse than normal. I average over 400 minutes talktime and around 200 Direct Connect, and internet service on it.
Since I got the Blackberry it's been touch and go. And it's not just Nextel... I don't think I've ever had service in the Mountains. Do they know what cell phones are up there? :lol: Tassy, you must work right along I95, I40, 540 etc. Nextels work GREAT along major interstates. But if you go off the beaten path... you can fugetaboutit! But I do love my Beep beep.:mrgreen:
I had Nextel from the very beginning (1994 maybe, 95) and I just switched. the service stinks, the customer service stunk even WORSE, and I just dropped them like most of their calls and coverage. I have Alltel and I love them. I just have a very basic plan, I only use my cell in the car, like God intended. :mrgreen:
I've had Alltel and was very pleased with them and their coverage all over the place. Now I have Verizon, because of work and I'm still pleased with coverage. I've also had Sprint (before Nextel merged) and it sucked and so did AT&T. My dd just had to have Nextel and now she has said as soon as the contract is up she wants to switch to Verizon with me. She complains that often her cell isn't able to make/receive calls due to coverage issues. I didn't get a cheap phone for her either, I got one of their top phones with the best reviews, so that's not the problem.
Alltel and Verizon are the same company now. verizon bought alltel out not sure when everything will change over
I'm just off the Beltline @ Hwy 64, but even at home I don't have many service issues. My worst service issue is one dead spot on Bethlehem Rd when I take the backroads home, and sitting in McKinleys at the far end of the bar (closest to the kitchen) - no service. Other than that, I don't seem to have problems wherever I go. We did know going to the mountains a few years back that they didn't have Nextel towers up there around Boone.
What are those guys on the commercials going to do now? Is the wizard going to banish the Verizon guy?!
So if you move about 6 seats down, away from the metal and such in the kitchen, I bet you have full service. :lol:
I have Verizon. Tested it out before I switched over from Sprint. Aside from no rollover minutes and my evenings start later, I like it. I drop a few calls around here, but that's due to all the construction. Once the construction is over in a certain place, I don't drop calls there anymore. My service worked really well at the beach. Haven't been to the mountains in a while, tho. Also, Verizon's customer service has always been nice & helpful. Frogger
Sorry to have 3 post in a row but every time I see "Call Service" Lynn comes to mind. ok...carry on...
LOL.. I wouldn't say full service, but atleast enough to make/receive calls! The closer to the door you are, the better it is! I must be lucky, I've usually had great customer service, that I can remember. The bad usually sticks out, and I can't remember any bad c.s. calls, so they must've always been really helpful. And.. I also get a 15% discount on my calling plan through my parent company, and we have 3 phones on the acct, so that is a bonus too.
Mine had to have the Sprint Motorola Razor. What a piece of crap. She's at the beach and calls keep dropping. Happens all the time. I'm with you...when the contract is over we are gone. Sherry
All this feedback is really helpful, thanks! The good news is that I called Sprint/Nextel, and according to the rep whose name and extension I wrote down, someone "zeroed" out my contract, which wasn't due to expire for several more months. I am free to leave anytime!
i had been doing research on getting another cell phone. I dropped my sprint years ago. I could not get service at my house over in south plantation. I would have to go over to the old Cleveland school by dr wells before i could get service. A couple of my friends have or had Alltel and they said they could get service at my house. Looking at Alltel's coverage map for the Carolina's it is solid and no dead spots. I know there is a cell tower over on Cleveland school road across from where Watkins bumps in to Cleveland. I wonder whose cell tower it is.
I was just in Boone last week at ASU. There is a Verizon tower on top of one of the dorms. I currently have Embarq, had service outside, and in some buildings, but not all. I will go to Verizon in Aug when my contract expires, and DD goes off to college.
I have been a Verizon customer for a number of years, because they are one of mine, but I haven't found a place yet where I can't get service. Including Soda Springs, Idaho and they don't even have a McDonald's, Burger King, or Wendy's (and they like it that way).