I hope everyone is not too busy to take the time to make some homemade ice cream. Making a freezer of ice cream is one of my favorite summer memories as a kid. I always loved getting that first scoop off the top. We had the hand-cranked version for many years until we finally got an electric model. We often had ice cream parties in the early evening when friends and family would bring over their freezers. The "men folk" would sit around hand-cranking the freezers out in the yard or on the porch while the kids played in the yard - such as catching lightning bugs, hide-go-seek, and throwing rocks in the air to watch the bats dive for them. Whipporwills called from the edge of the woods. This was before internet, wii's, and cell phones. The women would be in the house talking while getting the cups and bowls ready. So, get those freezers out of storage, and, if you don't have one, get one and start making some homemade ice cream and memories!
Growing up we had one of those hand crank ones also. I used a small electric one for a while. But then my parents we going through their things and found the old hand crank one we used when I was a kid. It still works and makes great ice cream. My kids enjoy turning the handle and waiting for it to get just right. We haven't made ice cream recently so with the 4th coming soon, maybe we'll just have to do it. Thanks for the reminder.
Kent, Thanks so much for bringing back those memories. I remember having to sit on top as my grandfather cranked the ice cream machine. Peach was always my favorite. He always grew them so they were fresh and we would pick them. Lightening bugs, crickets, frogs...those were the days. What happened to crickets? I don't hear them anymore. When my daughter comes home I think we will make homemade ice cream and I will plan some of those memories. Sherry
Crickets were great until you got one in your house! Chinese water torture until you found the rascal and threw him out the door.
I'm gonna go buy one next week - - anyone have a good recipe they'd like to share? I'd love to have some. I don't know if the recipes that come with it will be as good as what we made back in the day. I have no idea what happened to that recipe.
Yeah, I remember that as well. My ex was from Brooklyn, New York and after we married he was transferred to Clearwater, Florida. One night a cricket started chirping as we were trying to sleep and he could not understand what the sound was. He had never heard one. It was in our bedroom ceiling. He threw things, sprayed, etc. as I laughed and laughed. When he finally saw a cricket he was amazed. I just don't hear them anymore nor do I see frogs like I used too. Lizards, yes, but not the other two. Sherry
Someone asked for a recipe.... For those without an ice cream maker: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Five-Minute-Ice-Cream/Detail.aspx