I see where Sluggers Batting Cages place is up for sale (on Cleveland School Road) Isn't that where they were thinking of putting the aquatic center? I've searched the threads, and have seen that's not going to happen. Just curious...
Yes, I too noticed it was up for sale and #1grandma (I think) confirmed it (owners mama) I'm sad to see it up for sale. Not sure why it is being sold but I do know it has been a tough year for the family due to a death in the family. I wish them luck and happiness in whichever endeavor they encounter next.
We were there the other day with my daughters softball team, and we were talking to Denton. He said that due to his wife's death, he needed to be a full time Dad, and he can't do that and run the batting cages. He was said to have to sell, but he is doing what's best for him and his little girl.
Selling Sluggers was a difficult decision for Denton, but he does have to be a full time daddy to Caroline now and the hours the business needs to be open made it necessary for Caroline to have constant child care and after losing her mother that was just not acceptable for Denton so the decision was made to sell. As to the comment about the community pool...it was a dream, however, money was an issue...cost of getting land ready for the pool, pool installation, not enough families came forward with membership money, investors were unsure...you get the picture. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers over the past 18 months and I hope you continue to pray for Denton as he continues in his new role as single parent and caregiver. The business is listed with Hometowne Realty and the building could be used as any kind of business with some renovation. Pass the word!!!
We saw the for sale sign this past weekend. I totally understand why Denton is selling it. I cannot image how hard it has been for him. We see Caroline at gymnastics and she is so cute. Those big eyes are just adorable. I would do the same thing if I was in his place. I will keep him and his family in our prayers.