I think they have a MySpace page. Here is a link to the story we did on their opening which has contact info: http://www.4042.com/Local-News/Stories/Laugh-Out-Loud.html Also, they are hosting a special fundraiser on July 10. Info on that is here: http://www.4042.com/images/promo/lol_project_access.pdf 8) Their MySpace page: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=291774902
I thought I heard somewhere that they are a PG club. Is this true? Not that I am into listening to a comedian through out a pile of expletives, but I prefer more adult fare. I don't expect another George Carlin, but I would enjoy intelligent humor.
Not sure I'd call them PG.......at least the times we have been there. But then again we are going to a 8pm show. Craig
They have a myspace page and they're in my friends list. Here's the direct link to them on Myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=291774902 Mike
Yeah, they do the 8 show is non smoking and 10 is smoking. We've been to the 8 show and enjoyed it, although we did spend a ton of money. One suggestion-eat before you get there, because their food isn't that great.
The only thing we've had to eat up there has been the nachos, and they weren't too bad. Drinks, I don't know how much shots or mixed drinks are, but draft beers are about $3 (Yeungling), true domestic may be a little less.
This just in.....! We will have some tickets for 4042'ers to win to this event being held at LOL in July. More details soon! 8)
I have seen him in Clayton a year or two ago, he was funny and my FIL loves him, I probably will not go out of my way to see him again.