Just in case some are not already aware of this easy community service opportunity, I thought I'd share a way we can all help families who have sick children. Ronald McDonald House of Durham 506 Alexander Avenue Durham, NC 27705 General Info: 919-286-9305 http://www.ronaldhousedurham.org We keep a jar on the counter and just throw the tabs in. They add up. This year we've saved a gallon size ziplock bag full that we are getting ready to mail.
My grandkids collected them throughout the schoolyear at Dixon, thought it was a great idea. They were so funny, if they saw a can in the trashcan with the tab still on it, they gave me "h":lol:
Yep, we collect 'em....been doing it for a couple of years now!! turned in thousands last school year at Dixon Road...we do it at work too! easy breezy way to contribute!!
i love this. its one of the few internet hoaxes that makes me happy, because it actually became real. when it first started circulating those tops did nothing, but because it became so wide spread a few of the charities actually figured out stuff to do with them.
I'll start saving mine if anyone wants them. Lord knows I drink enough diet dr. pepper during the day.
I agree, it's hilarious. But I hope people who are saving the tabs are also recycling the rest of the can.
It started with an internet hoax, claiming the tabs were more valuable than the rest of the can or some such nonsense, and if they could save up some number of tabs, somebody would get a wheelchair or a kidney transplant or something. It was such a persistent urban legend, finally a few charities said all right, fine, if you want to save those tabs, we'll take them. But you're right, a pound of tabs is not worth any more than a pound of whole cans.
:lol:I can only guess it wouldn't "look quite right" with kids walking into school with donation bags of beer cans.....every Monday....sure Little Johnny is orange vested every weekend cleaning our local ditches....:cheers:
I think it's because the tab is pure aluminum, whereas the cans have paint, etc. in them, that's what I've been told Keep popping them... from the RMDH webiste Thank you all for your commitment to our cause. In 2007, you helped us raise $20,316.45 from Pop Tab recycling for the House This is such a wonderful cause that helps so many families in times of crisis when their worlds are turned completely upside down.
The tab is not "pure" aluminum - the tabs & cans are made of an aluminum alloy. I do hope you are recycling the rest of the can, after you remove the tab for Ronald McDonald. Girls Scouts, 4-H, and schools all collect aluminum cans for fund raising. http://www.snopes.com/business/redeem/pulltabs.asp
I'm sorry, as I said, that was what I was told, and I think. We don't use soda cans, but my family that does, recycles and saves the tabs, when we go to RMDH to bring items we take all the containers of tabs with us.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be critical or snarky. I'm just one of those annoying tree huggers - I try to encourage recycling, and especially recycling of aluminum because of the enormous difference in energy use between making new aluminum and recycling cans.