State trooper helps deliver baby Clayton, N.C. — A state trooper was conducting a routine traffic stop on Saturday night when he found himself helping deliver a premature baby. Trooper Jack Thorpe made the stop at N.C. Highway 42 and N.C. Highway 50, near the Wake-Johnston county line, around 10 p.m. A couple driving by stopped and waved him over. The woman's water had broken 10 minutes earlier, and she knew the baby was on its way, Thorpe said. Three minutes later, Thorpe said, he was holding a baby girl. The baby was two weeks early, but she and her mother are doing fine at WakeMed, Thorpe said.
This is the same trooper that saved a wreck victim with CPR back in February: SHP has got to be beaming-proud of him. That's a fine trooper right there!
Two weeks early is NOT premature. 2 months, yes...but not 2 weeks. My daughter was 2 1/2 weeks early and weighed in at 7 1/2 pounds. Definitely not early.
None the less, thanks to this trooper who helped to deliver this baby safely on the side on the road - early or not!
anything less than 36 weeks is premature. My first DS was born at 35 weeks and was in the NICU for 15 days on a respirator. Didn't get to hold him until he was 10 days old.
That's great! I wish mine would have been so lucky! Just in medical terms the OB's consider anything prior to 36 weeks premature, but of course the evaluation after birth is the real "teller." DS weighed 5.2, just didn't have the lung capacity...he was missing surfactant, which aides in lung expansion for breathing so he was given the synthetic form of surfactant. Ugh, bringing back memories.... :cry:
That's what I'm saying. The article said that the baby was premature at 2 weeks early. Maybe they were given false information?
yes, the lungs are the last to develop. Mine tried to come at 33 weeks, doc said no way, and stopped it. For the exact reason you stated. I went two more weeks, water broke, he couldn't stop that (thank god, I was a buffarillo). I glad your boy is fine now.
I wish they could have stopped it, but my water broke at 3:30 am for no reason!! Talking about a rude walk up call!! :? :lol:
Trooper to news reporter: The baby was two weeks early and born in the car. News reporter to First Editor: The baby was two weeks premature and came from a car. First Editor to Second Editor: The baby was half a month premature and its mother is made of metal. Second Editor to Headline Writer: A robot gave birth in half the time a human could. Headline Writer: Transformer Babies Taking Over City. The moral of the story is, news reporters fill in the details on their own all the time. If something's not in quotes, have a healthy dose of doubt as to whether it was ever actually said. And even if it IS in quotes, don't believe everything you read.