on the parents behalf, it should be, but then again they will live with this for the rest of there lives..
Well, I know that kid had to be gone a while, not just a few minutes, but a while. That fountain is a LONG ways from the day care. My kids go to summer camp there and it takes me a while to get there myself. My kids themselves could not believe parents left this kid alone for so long! It's a tragedy, but there is no fault on Riverwood at all!
No. I believe danger signs should be written in every and any language you can fit on the sign. even Esperanto. i don't believe your understanding of the English language has any bearing on your need to know that proximity to an object or location has an inversely proportional relationship to your life expectancy. I know, blah blah blah, English as an official language.
IMO the use of "picture" danger signs is enough...but if there is a need for written ones, it should be in english. Just my $0.02
the people on this board that know me, will understand that comment!! But will not air to much info about me on this board!
I guess you haven't met me then. I might take my eyes off of them for a few seconds, but not a few minutes. I'll sit and judge all day long. I WATCH my kids. I have a four YO, I could not imagine trying to take her along to do yardwork and actually be able to get anything done without constantly monitoring her and keeping her occupied.
yep yep, mine is by my side no matter what! I do not expect any 4 year old to do what they are told when left alone, so I don't do it, unless its in the house! But then I have an alarm on my house so I know when my doors/windows open!
SAME HERE!! lol. And those childproof knob covers? Yeah, they are duct-taped on at my house. My daughter know how to get a block and smash it apart to get out if she wants to.
LOL yep, mine has tried to escape several times to go play in the backyard! But mommie is always a step ahead!
I just wanted to amend that thing i said to add that i don't think it should be required to be safe from a lawsuit, i just think it should be there. a pictograph is great for warning, and gets the point across in all languages that understand a stick figure flailing about in a wiggly line, but without pictographs i do think as many languages as you can fit on a sign are important.
True, that was probably their first mistake, taking the child along when they're trying to work. My point is that everyone automatically had the "that's what they get" attitude about this situation. These people lost their child, so I figure they learned their lesson. No one, except for some people who claim to be involved, know all the facts. There probably won't be a lot of coverage on it since they're hispanic, so some people will never know what really happened. It's just a shame. I don't judge because if something like that happens to me, I don't want people judging me. When people die in accidents because they should have worn their seatbelts, I sigh and wish they would have done something to prevent it, but I still feel sorry for the family. Same situation. Yes, maybe there was a lot of time to pass, but I still feel horrible that they lost their child.
don't get me wrong, I hate it happened and the grief they feel is unimaginable. But by 4 you should know your child. I know mine has no fear of water and would go in with no problem. I watch him carefully at home and even more so when out somewhere else..