I haven't read anything that had a "That's what they get attitude". It's just common sense. Keep an eye your kids!! Especially if they are autistic!! And I think being Hispanic has NOTHING to do with anything. Someone drown at Tucker Lake Saturday, haven't heard anything else on them either.
I haven't read all of these posts BUT 1)You have to cross the street to get to the fountain. 2)The child was only 4 years old 3)The child was autistic 4)What the heck were the parents doing cleaning the Child Development Center? If that was their JOB and they were there to work, then SHAME on them for bringing their child to work. How can someone not lock a door or whatever to prevent a 4 year old with autism from wandering. Come on, that fountain is a foot deep and you have to cross a road to get to it. Yes, you can drown in 4" of water but for goodness sake, the gully in front of my house fills up with more than that in a good rain. If someone's kid wandered off and they fell into my gully in the rain and drown, are the parents going to be able to sue the city, as it's their property? Crying shame this child drown because his parents are FREAKING STUPID and INCOMPETENT. Bull crap on a lawsuit about the fountain, how about bringing the parents up on neglect charges instead! And for those of you saying "don't judge" - not judging - just calling a spade a spade. Yes, accidents happen, but this is ENTIRELY the parents fault. That kid could have just as easily been struck by a car, kidnapped, or whatever. NEGLECT - plain and simple.
No, I obviously don't think "that's what they get". :roll: I'm saying it is in no way, shape or form Riverwood's fault. And you don't need a freaking sign to know that a fountain has water in it and just MIGHT be a drowning hazard. That kid had to be out of sight for several minutes in order for this to happen. Like I said, it's a ways away from the place they were cleaning, NOT right at it.
I didn't really get that from this thread. It was unfortunate, but preventable. Sad. I dunno, I think there might be. It might be negative attention, and then it will be countered with "there should have been signs in spanish", or "more better paying jobs should be available" or "more parenting resources, it's just their culture" or "more affordable daycare options" etc. It is a shame, Loriana. You are right. But a preventable shame IMO. The little girl that lost her dad a few weeks ago, and SHE was ejected from the vehicle. The mother of twins who died a year ago, again - no seatbelt. My attitude is not "that's what they get" but, "wow. what a shame. This should not have happened." I too, feel for the parents of this child, and the ones whose son fell off the cliff and think they have already been 'punished' enough. I personally do not think I would survive being responsible for my child's death.
I agree. When I first started reading this thread I did feel the "that's what they get" a little. I just like to consider all sides before jumping to conclusions. If it is that far away though, he did have to be gone awhile.
Jeeze Louise - Do you really think a sign written in Spanish would have kept this 4 year old boy with autism from drowning? Oh, wait, let me guess your line of thinking here - IF the sign was written in Spanish, then the parents would have kept a closer eye on their son to prevent him from wandering out the door and crossing a street to get to the fountain - good grief! As far as "every language you can fit on a sign" what shall we do, put freaking billboards up all over the place? Sorry, but if you are here legally, learn the language - it's free.
No. that was not my thinking at all, and at the time of posting i did consider that the child was 4, and wouldn't have been able to read any sign, or understand its meaning even if he could pronounce the words. my point was that your understanding of the language shouldn't hinder your ability to know "gee. there might be death over there. I'll stay here, where its not so prevalent." it was made in response to the post from kodiac about how there shouldn't need to be signs in Spanish. i did not start the argument. You really think the only people who deserve to live are the people who speak english? [If you want to play reductio ad absurdum, i will too. =)]
Fault or no fault, bottom line is there are 2 parents out there planning a funeral for their child today.
Oh get real! That was not my point and you know it. Why not just skip the multiple languages and put the Skull and Crossbones symbol on all of the fountains and other possible hazards in the world and make things a whole lot simpler. Bottom line is the parents were responsible for keeping their child from wandering and because they weren't a tragedy happened. This is such a sue happy society. Someone does something dumb as placing a disposable cup of HOT coffee between their legs in their car and burns their crotch and wow, they have a lawsuit! People are stupid and it is ridiculous that someone could do something totally irresponsible and sue someone else because of their own ignorance or neglect. I don't care how many languages you place on a sign, people who can read and comprehend are still going to decide that it doesn't apply to them - ie: the ones in Georgia who climbed two fences at Six Flags with clearly posted signs that said Authorized Personnel Only - and one ended up decapitated. The parents are responsible for their 4 year old - plain and simple. Sure it's a shame, yes, they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. It's just like the fools who leave their kids locked up in cars in hot weather - a shame, but still stupid and neglectful.
I agree, but sorry I do get angry at parents that do not do their job in watching out for kids, especially one that was already autistic.. It makes me mad!! hate me or not..
Someone asked about the Tucker lake drowning: http://www.wtsbradio.com/ Around 4pm Sunday, a 4 year-old girl nearly drowned while at Tucker Lake outside of Benson. The child was with her mother and sister when she apparently wandered away. A man swimming in the lake discovered the child underwater and pulled her out, according to Tammy Amaon, a spokesperson for the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office. Two off-duty nurses who were at Tucker Lake started CPR on the child, who was airlifted to Duke Medical Center. On Monday, the victim, who is from the Mt. Olive area, was in serious but stable condition. Her name has not yet been released by the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office, which is still investigating the near drowning.
Yes, i do. i even said i was engaging in reductio ad absurdum. But you knew my point wasn't that we should stick billboards over everything too. it didn't prevent you from using that as your argument against putting more languages on warning signs, did it? You need to get better at following a thread, before you pop off at a person half cocked. Here is what i said, and what i added to it. see if it fits what you just said, almost perfectly: I dunno what that was about, but clearly it couldn't have been at me. Good rant though. i hope it helped.