So you are taking the responsibility out of the parents hands and making a place like Riverwood be mindful of your child? I don't think so. It's the parents job to watch their kids!! Geesh, Wonder if this guy can sue Tucker Lake? Hey why not sue the maker of the rope too. Accidents happen!
Weird, I've swung off that rope before. I wonder what else there is to the story. Wonder if they will shut down the rope swing?
well this guy perssay can't sue.....but perhaps the family will..... unbelievable.....and this is the 2nd incident there, at Tucker Lake in 3 days....
Im sure they can sue if the want any more you don't even need a valid reason....but to me its an assumption of risk and i would hope that attys and judge would see it as that too. this like the lady suing McDonals because *gasp* her coffee was hot and burned her when she spilled it
AMEN!!!! I have traveled the world as well, and a little research you will see that the US is not the ONLY country that speaks english. I spent 3 months touring south america...and guess what? Unless it was a "tourist town", nobody spoke a lick of English and it was on ME to get around and speak their language. If I was to relocate to another country, I would surely speak their language before I moved there...To think that we have to change OUR ways because you entered this country (most likely) Illegally is BS! If you can't speak English, G*T*F*O!
Okay, I readily admit people are sue-crazy and will do anything to get a buck. However, the case of the lady at McDonalds has been mentioned a couple times... and many do not know all the facts. Yes, I agree a cup of coffee is hot, but it didn't need to be SCALDING. I don't believe coffee pots at home are made to reach the temperatures McD's used to reach. Although this case seems frivolus, it seems that if it truly were a joke the judge would have thrown it out or a jury would have seen through it. Again, I'm annoyed at how quickly people sue and blame others for their mistakes, however, some may be justified. A law suit against Riverwood is not.