Have you gone to group's website? They have a whole forum for decorations. Some churches start in January. We usually just come up with the stuff the week before. I haven't looked at Group's forum site yet. We've got some people in the church that work in the medical/lab type field who are bringing stuff in.
yep all is well, mom and dad are moving back to Clayton so that is great! They will be closer!! Thanks for the info on the preacher!
Can you give me info as to how many days and if there are any fees. And who should I call to sign up my DD. Thanks
I was the VBS director about 2 years ago and although it was a LOT of work, I had a great time watching the children. Ours was held in July that year and I started working on it in March! Be sure to thank the directors/teachers/assistants for all of their hard work and dedication. I had no idea how much went into this sort of thing.
I have never heard of a church charging... they usually have a collection for a ministry or something.... but I don't think anyone charges.
White Oak started last night and it was great!! The kids are having a blast and they are collecting for the Me Fine Foundation, which I love that!!! Going to be a great and busy week!!
Mount Zion UMC is doing theirs the week of 7/21 and it runs from 6:30 to 8:45 pm. They are doing a beach theme. Have fun! I was thinking of signing my dd up for this this year, but think I'll wait another year since I don't think she'd let me leave her side just yet.
To register online for Hocutt Memorial https://vbs.lifeway.com/vbs2008/yourvbs/mychurch/?id=9556 I just registered my two... kdc? ...
VBS at Elizabeth Church will be this Saturday, July 19th from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. There will be Bible lessons, music, crafts, and outdoor fun, and a light supper will be served. All children ages 3 to 12 are welcome, whether or not they are a member of this or any other church.