Your statement absolutely proves the difference between men and women. You are thinking about yourself INSTEAD of the person who is actually in a new relationship. It's her time. Not yours. Friendship should be unconditional even in times like these. Not when it's convenient for you. Think about it. The newness will ware off eventually. Let her have fun and she will call you and tell you all about it.
So then, you don't care if your friends make plans with you as a couple then just not show up! Got it!
Why are you telling me I am not "GETTING IT"? I get it just fine. It's my answer that you do not agree with. If anyone is not getting "IT". It's those who are ready to crucify without self reflection that do not get "IT".
So your ok with someone who says they are going to meet you for lunch, then leaves you sitting there twiddling your thumbs?? All because she has a new boyfriend? Gotcha, remind me not to make plans with someone like you, as my time is just as valuable as yours.
*** U Me all you want. You have a "1" sided conflict. But you are so WILLING to jump the poor gal because "She" would rather spend time with the new guy rather than the jilted friend. Put your claws back on the shelf. I haven't gotten out of line with any of you, nor did I make it personal. Just giving you another view point. It's up to you ****** to accepted it or not. I could care less either way. My friends call me.:mrgreen: Now....continue your :banghead:
Where did I use a potty word??? You won't go back and re-read simply because you are WRONG. So you get over it. 8)
If my head is there it's because it is cold outside. The warmth is comforting. Now Venus, Listen to Mars.