help me understand...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Ok. I work in a rather large office but we all know one another. I am a very "to myslf" person but I get along with everyone and am known for staying out of all the BULL. My problem is that it seems like when ever anything happens here, like someone is leaving the place or someone has a death in the family or something is common knowledge, not gossip, I never fing out about it till like DAYS after it happens. It's like I'm forgotten or left out on purpose or like people are afraid to say anythig to me. Or like it's this secret and I'm not to know for some reason.

    I know it sounds silly and I should rise above it but tocay I found out that a few days ago that a coworkers dad died. The only way I found out today was because I saw a sign up list for everyone to bring something in for the family. I felt so bad...but I went to the girl and expressed my sympathy but felt like I was causing her pain all over again. But then I did not want to appear rude and not say anything, like I didn't care. If I never saw that list, I would have never known......I'd have seen all this stuff and been like, "what is this?" and then looked real stupid.

    It's just weird that gossip can fly like crazy, but when this stuff happens it's like a big cover up. I feel kind of slighted.....I know I need to get over it.

    I did however kind of make a rather upset comment in our reception area that it would have nice to have been informed and that I really DO work here too and am not a piece of furniture.............:eek:ops
  2. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Good for you....I would just leave it at that and see what happens next.
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I think you may have answered your own question in your third sentence. ...Maybe? :grouphug:

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