Seen this on abc news , Disturbing video :banghead:
I can't believe they showed that video. That was disturbing, and made me hostile. I would seriously injure that kid with my bare hands. Or maybe rent one of those bounce houses, set him on the edge (you know - of a rocky clif) and bounce him off a few times.
No, you're not rocky. And I don't know if I could bounce that kid off of you either to inflict serious injury.
I did not turn the sound on as when I started watching I could not believe what I saw. I certainly don't want to hear the poor baby. I hope this is a hoax because if this really happened...I can't even bear to type the words. Sherry
It was real, unfortunately, if it's the video I'm thinking of where the teenager bounces the baby off that air thing. I'm not watching it again. The first time made me want to inflict bodily injury on the idiot. :evil:
Yes, it is that video and I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that it might be a hoax because I just cannot believe anyone would do that. Still cannot type the words I am thinking about this. Sherry:twisted::twisted:
I agree with you, I was hoping maybe it was a doll in the video or something. It really did not look like an 8-month old baby. If it really was a baby, the punishment he needs is more that what the criminal justice system will give him, for sure.
As I understand it, the teenagers family was babysitting. I'd be thrilled if it was a hoax, but the story has been out for over a week now. It probably would have come out by now if it was.
I kept looking/hoping it was a doll. I can't believe that anyone would do that to a poor innocent baby.
Sorry i should have posted a warning up there for that video ..I couldn't believe my eyes while i watched it either , I was horrified and disgusted and wanted to fly there and kick his parents and his a@@ , to say the least ! . People like that don't deserve to be in this world . I hope he gets all the punishment he deserves . I have 2 teens boy & girl and my daughter was in tears and my son said he was sick to his stomach . Again i should have had a better warning for this video up but i really wanted people to see how truly sick some folks are . :banghead: