Thought I would start a thread for people to post little tid bits of information or trivia that some may find useless, funny, interesting or good to know. So I'll start. I found this one in the in the "Coffee News" circular that you find in many local businesses now and it's dedicated to Cleo. :mrgreen: Cleopatra supposedly bathed in the milk of which animal? A. Donkey :lol::lol:
Useless info I learned while in the hospital.... Red Heads bleed easier and longer than other folks. Red Heads require 40% more anesthesia than others. Red Heads are more likely to be sick after anesthesia. I like this thread.....we help incase I go on Jeopardy! :mrgreen:
I had heard this before and they told me again. Next time you cut your knee shaving notice how long it bleeds. Gawd mine does forever!
I know this is a weird one but it completely surprised me! You (or so I heard on TV) Cannot Tickle yourself. Not that I have tried before but now I kinda try sometimes! No tickling! :mrgreen:
They can drown but it just takes them longer to die .....
A cockroach will die about five days after its head is cut off ... mainly due to dehydration. They have six brains so the only problem with losign the head is the lack of ability to eat/drink. No comment on the number or quality of any other creature's brains, especially male humans.
Sure you can drown if you do not have lungs as long as you need to breathe air in some fashion. 8) drown [ drown ] (past and past participle drowned, present participle drown·ing, 3rd person present singular drowns) verb Definition: 1. transitive and intransitive verb die by immersion in water: to die by immersion and usually suffocation in water or other liquid, or kill a person or animal in this way. Death occurs either from lack of oxygen or as a result of cardiac arrest from the lowered body temperature. death by drowning
I found this fact at the movies today on before the movie. opcorn: Most of the worlds trees are planted by squirrels who have forgotten where they hid their nuts.