Ok. Back in the beginning of May I went to a co-worker's Premier Jewelry party. I had been to one of them at her house before, ordered something and got it fairly quickly and was satisfied. This time however, I ordered something and STIll have not got it yet. The check for it has cleared. My co-worker knows the girl personally and is having problems trying to get up with her as well. Now, I was also to book a home show for myself and the girl never got up with me until like a day before the show was to take place. She said she had alot of family medical issues with herself and her child. I told her not to worry about it that I'd do a show later. Well that was like a month ago. No one seems to be able to find her, get up with her and we have no jewelry. So I have kind of written it off but I still have my receipt. Can I get with another consultant and show her the receipt and get it through someone else??? I wouldn't bother if I did not spend $41.00. And nowadays, I could really have used that $$$.
I know another jewler personally, I will ask her about your problem when I see her again, right now she is in SC, but should be back Sat. I know I will see her then.
Sounds EXACTLY the person my little sista HAD a party scheduled for. Medical crap..blah .. blah ... blah ... :ack: I'd ream her a new one.:boxing: Most of them are *independent consultants* and have a *boss*, go over her head and get your ****.
Girl, you should have bought Avon jewelry instead. It's a lot cheaper! PM me if you need an Avon lady :lol: I happen to know one.
Thanks! I'd appreciate it. And thanks to everyone else too! I guess I could call but I'm the kind of person who does not want to get anyone in trouble. .........Of course,,,,she OBVIOUSLY AIN'T worried about me:boxing:....And Avon IS cheaper..................Ok.....I will call Premier,,,,,,,and order AVON next time!
We are a pretty out spoken group on here. I would not hesitate to call the company when it comes to something like this. Stick up for yourself because people like this prey on others. Sherry
I would probably call the girl and leave her a message letting her know that if we couldn't come up with a satisfactory solution by such-and-such date, that I'd have no choice left but to call the company and ask for my product.
:iagree: If you don't get a response from her within the stated time frame, I would ask the company to have the girl's "upline" (boss, whatever) call me. I doubt they would give you the upline's number. You'll get your stuff, or a refund! The company will protect itself before it protects an independent rep.
That happened to me once with pampered chef. I wrote the check directly to the salesperson and didnt get my order for almost 2 months. I called the company, they did their research and come to find out, the lady cashed the checks from the party, paid some of her bills and "had ever intention" of putting in the orders from her account. To this day, I have a really hard time attending any party due to dishonest people like that lady was.
I just started selling pampered chef and that was a worry of mine. I was afraid that people probably get slack with their accounts since the companies require the check to be written to the consultant. That is why I got a totally seperate banking account for pampered chef only. People need to be more responsible and honest when they are trying to do a business like that! It is dishonest and stealing in my opinion! You are using someone elses money!! Totally a theft I think!
Thanks to all! I am going to ask my coworker one more time this afternoon and if she says she can't get up with her, I will call the 800 number on the receipt. If the coworker gets mad cause the consultant is her friend, she'll just have to be mad. She always says business is business and so I have to say that in this situation as well. Oh my...........I feel like I'm actually growing......balls? Can I say that? Sorry if not.......