I once saw something you could put on a dog or cat's coat to help reduce the pet dander ... or maybe it was just to reduce the allergic reaction to pet dander ... has anyone tried any of these products? Do they actually work, or are they hoaky? I'd love to reduce our own allergies to our pets (hubby is more severely allergic than I am, but that doesnt stop us from having the dogs and cat) ... plus tout the benefits to others with dog or cat allergies to try the product before giving away the animal ... so would like to gather anyone's experience. Thnx!! Carol
Unfortunately, my ENT specialist said those products do not help those of us with severe allergies to dander (although I have never tried them personally). I take 3 allergy shots a week so I can have my babies! Well worth every ouch!
Nature's Miracle makes a spray & it works really well. Know some peeps who wife is allergic - they almost didn't adopt a dog they fell in love with. One week they fostered to see if "it'd work" and didn't have any issues. The spray is sold @ PetSmart. Once a week it shld be sprayed on the dog and rubbed into them. Its suppose to keep dander level down or something along those lines. They adopted the dog which is a small inside dog, its been a few months and all is well.
Bath them instead Several companies make these products--Farnam makes Allerpet/c for cats and Allerpet/d for dogs,Brampton markets one under the Simple Solution brand and Nature's Miracle is the latest to jump on the bandwagon since they were recently acquired by one of the bigger companies. Most people don't realize that their allergies are actually caused by the dried saliva left behind when your pet grooms itself. So in my opinion grooming your animal on a regular basis would be just as effective (if not more) as applying these products on aweekly basis.--Rachael
Rachael, I have seen wipes in the pet aisle that are for cats, or dogs that hate water. Supposed to just wipe them down instead of immersing them in water. Would that do the same thing if it's the saliva? PS: We miss you at the shop by the way!
It will help some but will not penetrate the coat to get down to the skin. Even the products that are sold as allergy relief indicate to saturate to the skin. Shampoo is cheaper and way more effective in removing dander. The wipes are more effective for cling-ons and muddy paws but then so are baby wipes (and they're less expensive). P.S. Thanks for missing me!!
We have only bought the wipes once a long time ago. Grizzy and Coco get baths, and the cats, well.....nope! You're the only one in the area at the time that would take my part Chows. Everyone else was skeered! Cling-ons! That's what we call 'em too.
Somebody told me once, that it is the food you are feeding your pet. If you go with high quality food, maybe the closest you can get to a raw diet? can't remember, but then you would not have any problems. I wish this would work, I would love to have one of Tangy's kitties but my son is highly allergic and no meds worked, and they had nasty side-effects for him. I will have to ask him if he would mind multiple shots a week. But we have other pets. He has 2 little sisters, they are great pets!