Lunch was fantastic!!! It was wonderful meeting you finally!!! PS - she called back and I got my $$. :lol: We'll have to do lunch again before I leave this joint.
Lunch was great Bimbo!! :lol: Let's go again before you leave the 'peak of good living'. Didnt you know that? How could you eva leave? Glad that tramp paid up! Hope you didnt have to rough her up! :boxing:
No ****, It will be darker by MONDAY!!! :lol: Dont forget I gave you a piece of paper today with a website on it. Met her DH and it was all good. He was shorter that me - I could have whooped him. :boxing: :lol:
Still looked fabulous!!! Yes....will dig that paper out of bottomless pit of a purse and work on that next week. Did she even show her face?