I belong to a forum much like this one that revolves around one of my hobbies. There was a new member who joined us back in early March of this year who raised a ruckus - members complained, they were warned by the webmaster to get their act together, they didn't and were banned in early April. A newbie came along in the beginning of May, they have been fairly cool, but occasionally stir the pot just enough to get the PM's going, a nudge from a moderator to be cool, and since then, they don't post, but PM members on a regular basis - dissing this one and that one. In one of their PM's to me, they slipped and mentioned info that the banned member had given and I did some checking . . .sure enough, it's the banned member. So here's my deal - IF this person managed to sneak back in and behaved themselves, I wouldn't think a thing of it - I'd figure they learned a lesson and I'd mind my own business - BUT they obviously haven't, and instead of flaming long-time members out in the open, they are doing it via PM. What would you do? Stay the heck out of it and ignore their PM's (sometimes 4 a day), give one of the moderators a head's up, or contact the webmaster? I appreciate your thoughts.
Pass it on to the Webmaster. The excess drama is something of which they need to be aware to do their job properly.
Protip: its kinda hard to believably play the "I'm so cool that even your hatred makes me happy" character when you publicly left the forum for 2 weeks because the mods didn't listen to your bitching about a thread that made you unhappy.