Voter Registration

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KDsGrandma, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? You can check your registration HERE. Just click on "Check Your Registration" and fill in the requested information, to make sure you are registered and to learn where your polling place is.

    Q: Who may register to vote?
    A: You must be a United States Citizen, 18 years old by the date of the general election. If you have been convicted of a felony, your rights of citizenship must have been restored.

    Q: How do I know if my rights of citizenship have been restored after a felony conviction?
    A: This varies from state to state. In NC, once you have completed all parts of your sentence, including probation or parole, your citizenship rights are automatically restored (except the right to bear arms). There is no special process or paperwork involved, it is automatic in NC.

    Q: What if I move after I register?
    A: The same form that is used to register, is also used to update your information with the Board of Elections. You can use that same form to change your party affiliation.

    Q: Where can I register to vote?
    A: You can register at the Board of Elections office, on 2nd St in Smithfield, or at any of the voter registration drives that are being held in various places throughout the county.

    Register and exercise your right to vote!
  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Thank you so very much for this Thread!

  3. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You're welcome! I have a supply of voter registration forms, if anybody needs one they can PM me and I will be glad to drop it in the mail.
  4. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the info about what to do if you have moved. I didn't even think about changing that! Now all I have to do is get it printed out!
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Funny that you mentioned this today because I just found my voter registration card while I was cleaning off my desk.
  6. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Get Ready - - - November 4th will be a BIG DAY!

    It's Election Day people!

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