As you know bow seasons coming and I need a bow for my BIL. Maybe your wife / husband wants you to sell yours? Maybe you are going to upgrade this year? Maybe you can't hit the side of a barn with yours? Maybe you'd like to sell it to me? If you guys know of someone selling a bow, please let me know. Thanks, HG
make sure if you get a used one that it can be adjusted.....they have to fit his arm length....he'll need to go to have it 'fit' him, have his 'pull' customized.....:mrgreen:
Hey HG, My hubby doesn't bow hunt, however my brother and a bunch of his friends do up in NY, I can ask him. He is also coming down in August so if someone does have one they can bring it down. Will keep you posted.
I've got an older XI that I haven't used in several years. You're welcome to come and check it out if you want. Just e-mail me if you need my info. Mike
Mike I don't have a clue what that is :lol: but will tell DH and he'll inform BIL of WHAT to get. Thanks so much!!! I'll tell him about it in the AM. I can't belive it's July and we're already talking about hunting. :? It gets earlier every year. Before ya know it we'll be talking deer all year long. Say it with me "can I have some venison jerky" :lol::lol::lol: Ya'll need to hook us up with some land and I SWEAR there will be more to share.
LMAO!!! Sounds like me. WHAT.....ya'll dont talk deer all year long? Daily thing at our house. DH is itchin right about now.
If it helps, the bow has 29" draw lenght and 70 lbs of pull. It's set up for carbon arrows, has a stabilizer, detachable quiver, pin sites, and a soft case. It's also is set up for a release. Mike
We don't hunt but I was thinking maybe GI Joe's in Clayton might have one. Not sure. Will check with my next door neighbor as he is an avid hunter. He should be home from the beach today. Sherry
They used to have an archery shop next door, but I believe it gone now. That's were I bought the XI that I mentioned. I think there's a frame shop there now. Mike
Silly question...honestly I don't know, isn't GI Joe's military surplus? Why would they have bows? Guns, yes, I can see that but why bow and arrows. Sorry if it sounds dumb but no, I don't really know a whole lot about the military.