Marine’s parents: Claims of violence against wife ‘unfounded’ And this.... this is creepy. Is it for real?
I highly doubt that myspace page is for real. I recognize th epic from a story about him this morning on the news. Someone is stirring the pot. I do think the police need to look at him since she was just found in a shallow grave down where he is stationed. How sad.
Between this and the pregnant marine from Camp Lejuene I'm just sick to my stomach. It's less then 8 miles away from the house that I grew up in and I'm just in shock. Growing up there for 20 years....I never heard of stuff like this and I don't believe I was sheltered. Just very sad today.....:cry::cry:
They've made some gruesome updates to the story: :neutral:
According to this, he HAS now been charged with murder. Yes, Clif, I know. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm just posting an update to the story, not passing judgement. Got it?
I'll pass judgement just by that stupid little *hit eaten grin he has plastered on his face in his mug shot.....God, I just want to slap it right off his face!!!!:evil:
That last WARL link no longer works, but the USA Today reports a second Marine has also been arrested.
I guess as a mama, you never want to think that a child of yours could do such a horrific thing to another human. She has some very hard days ahead, which does not lessen the rough days ahead for the young girls children and parents.:cry: