Ken, I see what you're saying, but one of you needs to man up and shut up. I mean seriously. Maybe that's not the nicest way to put it, but I'm not sure I know another way to say it. This is stupid. You think he's an idiot, he thinks you are. It's the same thing over and over. Just let it go. I'm not a psychic, but I can see definitely see Webbie getting tired of this tyraide between the two of you, and sitting you both in the corner. So sing it with me, will you? Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya
What "back and forth". I haven't said anything to him since I put him on my ignore list. Contrarywise, it was devilock76 who has been following me around from thread to thread asking people to quote him to make my placing him on my ignore list moot. Me. I decided I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm just going on with my life and letting him show what he's really made of.
Maybe "back and forth" was the wrong choice of words. All this catty bickering....and yes, you've both been bickering, either directly or indirectly. But, I tried, so do what you want to, both of you.
and on to the next point.....!! I love how her 2nd husband died "on a pier somewhere in NY" and there is no record of them being married? And that's the one they are not reinvestigating??? It makes me wonder what information they are not releasing to the press so many holes...and unanswered questions.
I am just fed up, plain and simple. The condescending tone taken with some of these posts is deliberately antagonizing. There are several on here who I don't always see eye to eye with, yet manage to keep it civil (most of the time). Hught comes to mind. I don't agree with him all the time, but when he disagrees, he does not intentionally try to make me feel stupid. So there ya have it, the gloves are off, I'm tired of playing nice, and Clif ain't the only one on the list. :mrgreen:
I'm glad to see Clif back just because I think its funny how irritated some of yall can get with him. Just let it roll!!
Clif, I was going to do more cut and past but that's pointless b/c I don't see our conversation going very far. But I'll give it a shot. I see your point about the sensationalism in the media. Very true. The only reason they gave that article that name was for the snag effect. Obviously. Which one of your "attackers" has already admitted to that. You said you were attacked off the bat. I disagree with you there. You started with the antagonistic remarks with this post below. Which in essence is your typical tactic of starting out with a simple comment like "I find it odd about the title...." Which I actually found it odd too. Nothing wrong with finding titles to articles odd/misleading/uncalled for/all of the above and posting your comments about them. But you can't tell me that part of your intent for continuing this conversation with all involved wasn't to get to the guilty until proven innocent vs innocent until proven guilty conversation you always love to have. I see your point, the name was to sway and/or sensationalize the public.
What I find sad in a way was that I was trying to be "funny" with my modified headline after Clif saw fault with the original and had made comment about it. So I was trying to be funny by modifing it to include the original as well as Clif's origianal comment. Then Mr. Anal Retentive has to go off the deep end. Craig
Craig I actually thought that your post was pretty cute. BUT I do think your post propelled him over the edge and for that I believe you need to apologized to Clif. Knowing his fragile state you shouldn't have done that and I know you knew better.
I have since corrected myself. Actually I can say that, as it is the truth. I think it's more than that. I think it could cause the trial to be irreparably harmed in that she simply could not get a fair trial, which in itself is a bad thing whether she's innocent or guilty.
Why not come right out and say... The title of the article will surely mislead possible future jurors in her possible future murder trial. I find the media sensationalism astounding and uncalled for. I think I'll write WRAL and tell them just what I think of them. With that said, this is a prime example of where some people on here say that you post comments and inquisitions just to stir the virtual pot to get a rise out of your fellow posters. Then once you've gotten your rise out of them you pull the "I'm the victim" card... "I've been attacked by the killer biddies" Please don't misconstrue my comments as attacking you; I'm merely trying to explain some confusion on both sides.
Would that be fragile state or anal state? If it is truely a fragile state then by all means he shouldn't be on this discussion board where he himself is the cause of so much of his chagrin. If however you mean anal state then by all means my comment may have pushed him over the edge and for that I really don't care, at least not with the attitude towards the rest of the 4042 forum that he has had lately. Craig
Exactly, Koo. Clif, why not take your concerns to WRAL, as I previously suggested. Oh, wait, that's not nearly as much fun as belittling posters on here. You take it to an art form, I have to give you credit where credit is due.
Thats degrading to the gay people, craig. how could you say "anal"? Why not say "vaginal"? or "penile"? =OOOOO
How about, I think that WRAL's intentional attempt a swaying potential jurors could potentially have an adverse effect of not providing a fair trial and, as such, allowing a possible murderer go free on a technicality?