Yes, you are correct that it would be hard to narrow it down to one. Glad you did not ask for that. Tee Hee! Sherry
I think a sense of humor should be a given :mrgreen: But a friend who really knows when to 'show up' and be a friend..Now that would be wonderful!
To me a good friend is not someone you would call to come get you out of jail . . . a good friend is someone who would be sitting in jail right beside of you saying "man, that was fun"!
My friends have to be able to say " um your being a witch and knock it off but still be able to stand right beside me.
I've been blogging about friends on myspace for a while now, lol... Friend means a lot of things to a lot of people, and I'm not sure that two traits can sum it up. I can only say that if you're lucky enough to have a handful of really good friends, you're more fortunate than most!
yep, that's a mouthful and so true.....sounds weird but I have many different level of friends....some I like to spend time with, some I do spend time with and some I wish I could spend time with ......
The best friend i have ever had is the one that is totally honest with me, not telling me what i want to hear and also the one that i know, no matter what, would never divulge a confidence i have ever told her in the 25 years we have been friends and she knows the same two things are the same with me. i guess for me it boils down to honesty and trust. Oh yeah and we have always had a blast together:hurray: