I think dh just forwarded that to me this morning, huge glass looking place, I guessed by the 3rd picture that it was a correctional facility...
To do this would require that they make a product. they do not, for the most part. And most guards will not be willing to work for clean sheets, nor would produce stores sell food for clean sheets. They're not making actual money, they're effectively making credits that they can use for the things they want.
also, are you talking about this? http://gliving.tv/architecture-design/postmodern-prison-architecture-austria/
So you want to treat them as animals? Then what is the difference between you and them? Then there is the question of what about those who were convicted but aren't actually guilty? Are you talking about this place? Well, I have some news for you, it's not in the US nor is it even a prison. According to Snopes.com, it's "the Justice and Detention Centre (i.e., court building and penitentiary) in Leoben, Austria." I'd suggest you start swimming now to get a good cell.
YEP! I've gotten it twice. one says Mich. the other says the UK. I wanna know if it's real or not and I've search the net high and low to see if it is.
You don't need to search high or low. Just a quick look at http://www.snopes.com and you'll have your answer.
Believe it or not that's the first place I looked. I guess I didn't put the right combo of text from the email. I even looked architecture sites. My net searching skills are pretty low on the totem pole.
That's funny, I just put in the one word "prison" and it's the first thing that came up. The "last updated" date is July 13 (the day before yesterday) so maybe it wasn't in there yet when you looked.
What combo of text? I put the single word "prison" in the search box, clicked "Go" and it was the first result.
When I was in, it was 10ยข per hour (enough to afford a carton of cigarettes a week.) Oh, and you were lucky if you got cafeteria or laundry. Most jobs were on the roadside cutting weeds with a hoe.
I knew I wasn't thinking of Scott Peterson and it has been bothering me so I finally googled and hoped I could find it without a lot of work. This is the one this story reminded me of. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,126435,00.html
They get paid 75 cents a day for working offsite (not in the actual prison) at DOC Admin offices, doing cleaning, handyman jobs, & cafeteria/cook jobs.
This is the text I had in the first email I got: It's a new Prison in UK!Prison vs Work Just in case you ever get these two environments mixed up, this should make things a little bit clearer. I copy and pasted the blue text and this is what I got HERE Prison vs work got me THIS. Then I went on to architecture sites...then I got bored and when to Kohls. I told you I searched everywhere.:lol: So when I got the second email I just deleted it not thinking of searching just for "prisons"
lol, i blundered my search a bit too. i googled "Glass prison" which is a dream theater song... but switching over to images gave me a picture of a glass prison, so i clicked it.
I know cause I was there (long ago) koo.....you have to over look Clif and his better than you stance on this, especially since he has served time as an inmate (albeit years ago, and we all know that nothing changes over time so his timed served has to be just like today's). And heaven forbid anyone has any other thoughts or may actually have knowledge first hand (no matter which side of the bars you are on). Craig