Man we need to talk about the good ol days. Do you still keep up with Reynolds or Silva? Kingo? Chopper?(lol) Seems like you should be on air on 96.1 so someone can play some freaking killer rock and roll! What do you think?
I agree. =P if you were on the air in a market i cared to listen to, I'd definitely turn my radio on, and put the ipod down.
I agree man. We need some changes in the radio market. I don't like country. It seems like it is every freakin where. 106 use to be my fav...then 96. Man. I need to be a program director. Everyday would start out with some Shinedown for my show....end with some AiC. But the filler would be the killer.
you know, it hurts me a little every time i have to walk past the 96rock studio to go to wqdr. i mean, i really love qdr. the people couldn't be better, the local thing is impossible for the other country stations to even get a foothold on....but you know, what you got when i was doing nights was what i really was. i was a smartass, i preyed on stupid people, i loved using funny audio to enhance the show, i loved playing great music that people wanted to hear. that was really the best part. the people on the phones. it was like being at everybody's house at once. at every party at once. picking up the phone 100 times a night and having somebody on the other end who thought of you as their friend... and it's funny, almost every time i go in there, they're playing a song that i once played at night totally out of format and got called to the general manager's office for on a regular basis. reynolds lives in cary and is a morning show consultant. he teaches morning shows all over the country how to be better morning shows. kevin silva still does some voice work on commercials out of a place called sound trax, where tom guild also works. frank king is still working his "white collar" corporate comedy thing, mostly doing big corporate parties and lives in san diego near the beach, where his wife wendy was from. brian mcfadden is still in raleighwood, does voice work, fixes and flips guitars on ebay, and various other enterprises of that nature. kitty kinnin i think went back to wilmington. most of what i used to do would be trite now. i like to think i was ahead of a few curves in my time. thanks, by the way, for making a worn-out, used up, spit-out 40 year old rock jock feel cool again for a few minutes....
I would love to have a great Rock Station here. ac/dc, Ozzie, etc. I love my country when im in a mellow mood..but when ornery hits i want rock. I wish the stations would listen!!!!!
DB you are still cool!!! You aren't used up or worn out!!! Stop all that..... and yes, I hear kitty kinnan on a station (and in/on alot of commercials) when I am at the beach, and scanning the ban of the local stations down there.....