I loved last night when Brian went on the block, I'm a fan on Angie and Jerry so far the rest not to sure of yet! Jessie thinks he is all that and he ain't!!
ok you hethens....I watched last night.... Brian....hahahaha....what a player-wanna-be....yuck...hope he goes.... Renny......they didnt really show her enough, but I what I saw, ain't a fan.....that accent.....and what she said Early fav's... Ollie Memphis April Libra :mrgreen::mrgreen:
lol yeah they didnt focus much on Renny last night, which I am glad! But I like Ollie to, forgot about him! You gotta watch them preacher's kids
I liked Briand Sunday but not as much now. Still like the girl with the long dark hair. What about when that fool Jessie tore his shirt off after winning veto?! He's a wannabe Hulk Hogan! DA!!!
he is gross...gross gross gross....big muscles = small _________ well you know....rhymes with neck, with an 'er' at the end :mrgreen:
I was tickled when Jerry put Brian on the block. Glad they saw through his b.s. I felt bad for Jerry b/c he felt like he was going against his Marine standards...............It's a game hun.
I forgot to watch it Sunday, but caught 45 mins. of it last night (and set the DVR up). Not a big fan of anyone at this point. I do like Jerry, but he won't be on there long. Brian got what was coming to him, he already acted like he was running the house.