Is anyone else hating the new guide TWC has on the digital TV? Turn channels and sometimes you can see what is on and other times it says "loading". When you go to the actual guide, it takes forever for it to "load". I hate this new guide they have!!!
Yes, we have that new guide..we HATE it! What a pain in the butt it is. Sometimes the cable box decides to just shut off and reboot, whenever it feels like it. The high definition channels look just stretched out instead of true HD, and we are starting to feel kind of ripped off. Also, when we put the "zoom" on a channel that is not high definition, it does not stay on "zoom" anymore when we turn channels, when it used to stay on until we took it off. The program descriptions are not as detailed either, and I do miss that too. There is something we did notice the other day. When the phone rang (it is also time warner), the caller id popped up on the tv screen. This is the first time we have ever seen this, although husband says we were supposed to have had that since we signed up for time warner. I guess we never complained we didn't have it, since we have never really seen it before so we didn't notice what was missing!
Hated the new guide so much that we have cut our TW service down to basic. That guide was SOOOOO frustrating and changing channels was terrible! The straw that broke the camel's back though was the fact that after the new guide was put in play by TWC our On Demand practically stopped. We almost always got a message stating something like "data not available." :x I don't know about y'all, but we're not going to pay for something that doesn't work or works horribly. Maybe if/when they get that guide and On Demand working better we'll go back. If not, we'll be searching for something better.
:evil: YES. And I cannot stand it. It is slow, irritating and half the time is LOADING. AND when they changed it to this new "thing", it messed up the other box we have in the bedroom. I called tham and they siad it was something called "mystro" or something.....I don't know.......I just know it's stupid.........LOLOLOL
Ours has shut off too. I sent a complaint to TWC and let them know how bad this is. Will see if I get a response
Why do I have to go around my butt to get to my elbow when I want to record an entire series and not just one episode?
I cant stand it , I have found myself reading more then watching TV anymore . All i hear when my kids are watching TV is , dang it , this sucks mom . Can we get dish network I have called time Warner about these problems and they really don't seem to care much and have excuse after excuse . I pay so much money for the 3 services and its just not worth it anymore . I give up ! :banghead:
Are the excuses like they are working to get the kinks out??? Why they decided to change it, I don't know. It is so irritating.
I agree, I hate this 'new system' of theirs. It's slow, it's quite often broken, it crashes, you cant get the 'On Demand' selections you want ... I sure hope this is just a growing pain and it passes quickly! If not, I'll look for alternatives also.
got it hate it ...and I'm wondering about embark..embarc? tv... I think that was the commercial I saw.
I hate it too. I have several shows that are set up to record the entire series. I go through occasionally and tell it not to record certain episodes if they are ones I have seen too many times. 9 times out of 10 it will still record them even when I told it not to. I also hate that the descriptions of shows and movies are cut off in the middle. It also does not show half of the info it used to, like whether a movie is a comedy or thriller, or what year it was made, who stars in it, etc. I haven't bothered to complain because I know from the past that TWC couldn't care less. We are considering satellite as well.
Working to get the kinks out , Is exactly what they say .. I had embarq and that's just as bad ...Look into it before you leave time Warner . I was so mad when i called time Warner as soon as i told them the reason for my call , they immediately said hold , and just that fast they were gone , no hold please i will be right back with you . I was on hold im not kidding at least 6 Min's , then put on hold again for a manager ..I just hang up after i said a few Not so friendly words to the rude woman that took my call . errrrrrrrr