Ok, this is weird, the woman wakes up from surgery to find a tempory tattoo has been placed on her body...................of a rose..................... by the surgeon. Strange! :? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,383641,00.html
Really! It might warrant a complaint to the hospital, and an official reprimand, but a lawsuit? Gimme a break!
When I got surgery on my wrist, the nurse put a happy face temp tattoo on the one they were going to cut. Maybe I can sue them for emotional scarring for having to see that little throwback to the sixties for two whole weeks?
Tattoo .... no problems with Tattoo of a rose .... could be mistaken for some type of unwanted affection. Tattoo of rose around the bikini line area......JUST PLAIN WEIRD ....stalkerish in a way. Maybe have the Dr. "written up," but sue him....She's just looking for some easy cash!
If the temp. tattoo would have been on the arm, wrist, ankle ok...but below the panty line....that is just a little weird. Definitely don't think it is worth suing over though....