A short FYI - The 4042.com Discussion Group has been offline for a short period due to a conflict between some members which escalated and resulted in inappropriate and completely unnecessary postings. 4042.com Admin's received a large number of notifications yesterday as this "event" was occuring (thanks to those of you who flagged the messages) and the quickest action was to take the forums offline. During this downtime we have spent time reviewing message threads and have removed those which relate to this inflammatory situation. In addition, after careful consideration, action has been taken on a number of user accounts which range from removal to temporary bans. We have also used this downtime to prepare for an upcoming forum software upgrade - so there is a sliver lining to this cloud. When we originally closed the forums, we directed visitors to use our often forgotten and little used Chat Room. Unfortunately, due to abuses being reported to us, we were forced to close it also. The majority of the interaction here is great community information sharing - we appreciate your contributions and taking the time to drop by here during your travels on the web. Thanks for bearing with us during this "clean up and cooling off" period. We now return you to your normal programming. 8)
Wow, I totally missed what happened. Hopefully moving forward, people will play nice. Thanks for the heads up, I've missed the board!
I'm just glad Webbie didn't have to slap me around. It's not fun getting banned just because your stupid.
Thanks Webbie! I know it was a lot of work for you to remove all that stuff and I hope people will respect that going forward and not put you in the position again. I'm sorry for any part I played in it. SB:lol:
Maybe we should have a rollcall? Make sure everyone is back? lol (separate thread of course!) Wonder who got the boot.