Anyone have goats? Are they hard to keep up with? Take care of etc? Was thinking of getting 2 for the back yard, with a dog house for each. Thought it may be fun.
I think there are some threads on here about goats. I remember something about them eating the siding on houses and pretty much everything is site.
We had them when I was a kid. They do eat anything and everything. They were hard to keep contained, they will eat ANYTHING. Trees, grass, wood (fence), flowers, don't know about siding on a house, but I'd believe it. I'd be very careful with what you have around them, nothing valuable for sure. But you wouldn't have to keep up with the lawn...!
Mark, Yes, goats will try to eat anything. They really need more area than most (average) size yards. They are browsers not grazers so they go about tasting - nibbing everything. Mmmm. Like your car's trim, valve stems, bumper, wiring off the boat trailer & then teeth marks on the wheel wells... I could go on... All this when there is feed in their buckets even. Goats are great for clearing up areas that you cannot mow - but yu have to have serious fencing to keep them at home. baaaaa baaaaa baaaaa.